REG_DWORD dword REG_EXPAND_SZ hexadecimal(2) REG_MULTI_SZ hexadecimal(7) For more information about registry data types, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 256986Description of the Microsoft Windows registry ...
REG_DWORD dword REG_EXPAND_SZ hexadecimal(2) REG_MULTI_SZ hexadecimal(7) For more information about registry data types, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 256986Description of the Microsoft Windows ...
Specifies that the registry entry that is added to the registry has a null value. /t <Type> Specifies the type for the registry entry.Typemust be one of the following: REG_SZ REG_MULTI_SZ REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN REG_DWORD REG_BINARY ...
HRESULT IExtendedTypeLib::AddRefExtendedTypeLibOfClsid( [in] REFCLSID rclsidControl, [in] LPCOLESTR lpstrLibNamePrepend, [in] ITypeInfo* ptinfoExtender, [in] DWORD dwReserved, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] LPCOLESTR lpstrDirectoryName, [out] ITypeInfo** pptinfo ; ...
command line npm start 除了生成代码和启动本地服务器外,此命令还会将此加载项的UseDirectDebugger注册表 DWORD 值数据设置为1。 其他:在HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\WEF\Developer\[Add-in ID]\UseDirectDebugger注册表 DWORD 值(其中[Add-in ID]是清单中的外接程序 ID)中,将值数据设置...
Specifies that the registry entry that is added to the registry has a null value. /t <Type> Specifies the type for the registry entry. Type must be one of the following: REG_SZ REG_MULTI_SZ REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN REG_DWORD REG_BINARY REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN REG_LINK REG_FULL_RESOURCE_...
Adds a new subkey or entry to the registry.Syntaxהעתק reg add <KeyName> [{/v ValueName | /ve}] [/t DataType] [/s Separator] [/d Data] [/f] For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.Parametersהרחב טבלה ...
set$RegistryPath='HKCU:\Software\CommunityBlog\Scripts'$Name='Version'$Value='42'# Create the key if it does not existIf(-NOT(Test-Path$RegistryPath)) {New-Item-Path$RegistryPath-Force|Out-Null}# Now set the valueNew-ItemProperty-Path$RegistryPath-Name$Name-Value$Value-PropertyTy...
New-Item -Path 'Registry::HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown\cIPM' New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown\cIPM' -Name 'bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc' -Value 00000000 -PropertyType DWord -Force -ea SilentlyContinue; ...
The first Windows image in the Install.wim file is mounted to C:\wim_mount. For more information, seeImageX Command-Line Options. Enable logging of specific device driver injection actions in a separate log file. Edit the following registry key on the computer on which you are running Packag...