I've got two images above each other in a figure environment, with \vspace{1cm} for spacing between them. I believe that if I had used two separate figure environments, LaTeX would have been able to shrink and grow the space a bit when optimizing the layout. However, here the s...
How to change vertical spacing in TOC between section entry and only the first subsection entry in each section? 1 How to change the style of ToC and \chapter? 2 Adding space after a line in ToC 6 Combine single and double space 3 How to apply \cftafterpnum to specific entri...
More. Spacing. Please.Double your whitespaceResponsive Layout BreakpointsWhen in doubt, use Material Layout: https://material.io/design/layout/responsive-layout-grid.html#breakpointsScreen sizeMarginBodyLayout columns Extra-small (phone) 0-599dp 16dp Scaling 4 Small (tablet) 600-904 32dp ...
\begin{command}{\zxNoneDouble\opt{+-}\marg{text}} Like |\zxNone|, but the spacing for \verb#+-|# is large enough to fake two lines in only one. Not extremely useful (or one needs to play with |start anchor=south,end anchor=north|). \begin{codeexample}[width=3cm] \begin{ZX...
The Evernotes note line spacing is 16 px, and you cannot change the line spacing in Evernote. Evernote Batch provide a new feature to batch change the notes line spacing for checked notebooks. Click the Notebook tab - Line Spacing command i... How to batch change note background and ...
I've set up inter-paragraph spacing for a ConTeXt document but in-between two specific paragraphs, I'd like to have some extra spacing. About 1 inch. In LaTeX I'd use \vspace{1in}. What is the command I use do add this? spacing context Share Improve this question Follow edited...
spacing draw overlap Share Improve this question Follow asked Apr 9, 2019 at 9:47 kitsune 10322 bronze badges Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 2 I think this can still be improved. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \newcommand\bubbles[1] {% \...
Gotcha. I'm an intern giving out a hand at an official high voltage test facility here in Spain. I've attached a censored test that can get published so you can double check the information, but both load and all losses are specified under section 3.3 Measurement of short-circuit impedance...
More. Spacing. Please.Double your whitespaceLayouthttps://gedd.ski/post/article-grid-layout/ https://every-layout.dev/ https://csslayout.io/ (github) Visual Hierarchy https://youtu.be/qZWDJqY27bwTypographyFor speed, use System Font Stacks (incl. Segoe and Roboto) (what are these?) ...
Since you didn't indicate just how much more vertical whitespace you want to create, I've simply doubled the default amounts for this MWE (from 50pt to 100pt above the sectioning line, and from 40pt to 80pt below the sectioning line). You should probably adjust these amounts to suit...