重命名(原因是名字太长《强迫症》):docker tag docker.io/percona/percona-xtradb-cluster pxc :重命名为pxc,然后删除原来的镜像 docker rmi docker.io/percona/percona-xtradb-cluster 创建内部网络:docker network create --subnet= net1(docker network create net1:创建net1网段 ;docker network ...
Expected behavior expose ports Actual behavior no ports Steps Trying to connect a VPN container to one attachable overlay network following this workaround: docker/swarmkit#1030 (comment) I tried to expose the port by hand in azure porta...
version: '3.8' services: mysql: container_name: "mysql" image: mysql:8.0 volumes: - ./database/oai_db2.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/oai_db.sql - ./healthscripts/mysql-healthcheck2.sh:/tmp/mysql-healthcheck.sh environment: - TZ=Europe/Paris - MYSQL_DATABASE=oai_db - MYSQL_USER=te...
version:"3"services:app:network_mode:"host" In the above example, we used the examplehostas our network mode, but we can specify a container or a service instead. From the Docker official documentation, here are the multiple values that we can use when defining the network mode of the ser...
Exercise - Add a dev container to an existing project Completed 100 XP 4 minutes When you're setting up the dev container for a project, you'll need to add a container configuration to that project first. A container configuration sets up your environment in Visual Studio Code....
Description When I add the following network to docker-compose.yml macvlan: driver: macvlan driver_opts: parent: enp3s0 ipam: config: - subnet: "" gateway: "" I get the following error: networks.macvlan.ipam.conf...
info('*** Stopping network') net.stop() 开发者ID:stevenvanrossem,项目名称:containernet,代码行数:23,代码来源:docker_cpuset.py 示例4: setLogLevel ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from mininet.net import Containernet [as 别名]# 或者: from mininet.net.Containernet importaddDocker[as 别名]#!/us...
Explore the methods of installing additional software in an existing container, introducing the most robust mechanism through the Dockerfile.
CreateContainerScanTask - 创建容器扫描任务 DescribeTotalStatistics - 获取事件统计 DescribeImageLatestScanTask - 查询镜像最近的扫描状态 DescribeImageRepoList - 获取镜像防御开关配置统计信息 CreateJenkinsImageRegistry - 创建 jenkins 镜像仓(token) PageImageRegistry - 分页查询镜像仓 QueryJenkinsImageRegistryPersiste...
com.docker.extension.categories No The list of Marketplace categories that your extension belongs to: ci-cd, container-orchestration, cloud-deployment, cloud-development, database, kubernetes, networking, image-registry, security, testing-tools, utility-tools,volumes. If you don't specify this label...