Changethe MATLAB current folder or add its folder to the MATLAB path. Errorin height_control (line 8) params = sys_params; Errorin runsim (line 17) [t, z] = height_control(trajhandle, controlhandle); I gone through youtube and tried all their tutotial on how to chane directory ND ...
“change directory ”你运行的程序会跳转到当前程序所在的文件夹 看Current Folder 窗口 “add path”则是把记住 当前文件 的路径,以后不转Current Folder 在哪个文件夹,你运行那个加入路径的程序的命令都能执行
“change directory” 你运行的程序会跳转到当前程序所在的文件夹 看Current Folder 窗口 “add path”则是把记住当前文件的路径,以后不转Current Folder 在哪个文件夹,你运行那个加入路径的程序的命令都能执行
For example, my matlab folder 'current_use' is under the directory user/example/matlab/current_use and under 'current_use' folder there are 6 subfolders and each contains data files I need to test, i.e., my matlab script under folder 'current_use' will call all data under the subfolder...
'SignalStructureProperty'. In this directory, I have created a folder named 'C:\Users\Documents\VALID_AUTO\Generator\G_UnitTest'. From G_UnitTest, I have a script that tries to create the object signalStructureProperty = SignalStructureProperty. But running this script...
번역 답변:Josh2024년 5월 9일 I downloaded Ghostscript from Macports (for MacOs) and correctly installed it trhough the terminal. Unluckily I don't now how add it to my path on Matlab since I cannot find the folder containing it. The directory is /opt/local/bin. Need help...
You can include the directory to the search path by using "path" command. You can type below command to open documentation of "path()" function. ThemeCopy doc path In order to automatically include the directories in the search path when MATLAB starts, place the "path()" command inside a...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 So what's the solution to change the add-ons directory directly? We have this to change the hardware support package directory. matlabshared.supportpkg.setSupportPackageRoot But why don't we have something like this?
directly in the path for the default installation directory of an installer created with MATLAB's ...
如果你用的是数字文件名,你把文件名改一下,matlab 命名不允许数字开头的文件名