VSCode Version: 1.76.0 Local OS Version: Mac OS 13.2.1 (22D68) Local chip architecture: x86 Reproduces in: Local Name of Dev Container Definition with Issue:Python 3 Steps to Reproduce: Attempted toAdd dev container configuration files... Followed the steps, accepting the default values Click...
Explore the methods of installing additional software in an existing container, introducing the most robust mechanism through the Dockerfile.
AzureAppConfiguration AzureAppService AzureAzurite AzureBehaviorsSDK AzureContainerApp AzureContainerAppEnvironment AzureContainerRegistry AzureContainerServices AzureCopyService AzureCosmosDB AzureCosmosDBEmulator AzureDataLakeStorage AzureDevOps AzureDisks AzureEventGridSubscription AzureFunctionsApp AzureKeyVault Azure...
3.On theCreate a Workloadpage, set the configuration as needed. You can configure a fine-grained GPU workload inGPU Resource, as shown below: Method 2: creating through YAML Note: When submitting, use YAML to set the GPU resource usage for the container. The core resources must...
Environment: Jib version: 3.1.2 Build tool: Maven 3.6.3 OS: mac OS 10.15.7(19H2) Description of the issue: When I build(or dockerBuild) with below configuration shows up this error message. Obtaining project build output files failed; ma...
public class Startup { public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) { Configuration = configuration; } public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) ...
POST https://[service name].search.windows.net/indexes/[index name]/docs/index?api-version=[api-version] Content-Type: application/jsonapi-key: [admin key] For supported Azure data sources,indexersoffer a simpler alternative for adding and updating documents. For more information, seeIndexer op...
I like this proposal, it avoids needing to bundle the largejava-dbin the container scanning image, while still providing the ability to scanJARfiles. However, the downside is that it still requires downloading a> 400MBadditional file, and hosting it in an offline environment. ...
aws --region <region> emr-serverless create-application \ --release-label emr-6.9.0 \ --type "SPARK" \ --name data-science-with-ci \ --image-configuration '{ "imageUri": "<your AWS account ID>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com/emr-serverless-...
Windows 8 AppContainer Loopback Utility Full-screen Windows 8+ ("Metro-style") apps require additional configuration to work with Fiddler. The EnableLoopback Utility allows you to easily reconfigure these apps to work with Fiddler. This utility is only useful on Windows 8+ and does not run on...