使用include_directories() 添加包含目录。 使用add_compile_options() 添加其他选项。 add_definitions:https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/add_definitions.html 添加-g编译参数/选项 方法一:add_definitions("-g")/ add_compile_options 在文件 CMakeLists.txt添加下面一条语句 add_definitions("-g"...
This command can be used to add any options, but alternative commands exist to add preprocessor definitions (target_compile_definitions() and add_definitions()) or include directories (target_include_directories() and include_directories()). 这个命令可以被用来添加任何的选项,但是存在替代命令(target_c...
Adds definitions to the compiler command line for targets in the current directory and below (whether added before or after this command is invoked). This command can be used to add any flags, but it is intended to add preprocessor definitions (see the add_compile_options() command to add ...
我们在CMakeLists.txt中可以通过add_definitions(-Dtx2)来定义这个宏。但是好像add_definitions没法通过cmake命令行来进行控制。所以这里在cmake中再声明一个option进行选择,完整的cmake为: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) project(test) option(ONTX2 "build project on tx2" OFF) IF(ONTX2) add_definitions...
add_definitions(-D_TROJAN_QT5_BUILD_INFO_STR_="${_TROJAN_QT5_BUILD_INFO_STR_}") set(TROJAN-QT5_SOURCES ) if(WIN32) add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x600) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} wsock32 ws2_32 userenv iphlpapi) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Crypt32 kernel32 ...
add_definitions("-DCUDA11_MODE") endif() # Setting compiler flags set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Xcompiler -Wall") if (SM STREQUAL 80 OR SM STREQUAL 86 OR SM STREQUAL 70 OR SM...
The analyzer definition is a part of the larger index. Definitions for char filters, tokenizers, and token filters are added to the index only if you're setting custom options. To use an existing filter or tokenizer as-is, specify it by name in the analyzer definition. For more information...
命令格式:add_compile_definitions(<definition> ...) 该命令用于编译源文件时添加预处理定义,最终会添加到COMPILE_DEFINITIONS属性(当前CMakeLists文件所在的目录和包含的构建目标都会添加)中。预处理定义的格式为VAR或VAR=value,CMake负责将指定的定义转换成本地构建系统可识别的值。对于C/C++编译器来说,就是会将此...
Can partial class definitions have multiple constructors? Can someone explain this code to me? (Visual C#) Can Struct stored in heap?! can VB & C# to be used in same project? Can we add derived class object to base class object? Can we change the return type of a method during...
I’d like to be able to use the Azure DevOps Wiki pages to display .yaml files of my Swagger/OpenAPI API definitions. As an example of what I’d like to see check the VSCode Swagger Viewer plugin which gives something like this when it previews a Swagger/OpenAPI yaml file:Azure...