For example, to add one day to the current date, use the following code: consttoday=newDate();consttomorrow=newDate()// Add 1 Daytomorrow.setDate(today.getDate()+1) To update an existing JavaScriptDateobject, you can do the following: constdate=newDate();date.setDate(date.getDate()+1...
const current = new Date(); // it adds 2 days to a current date current.setDate(current.getDate()+2); console.log(current.toDateString()); Definitions The setDate() method sets the day of the month to a Date object. The getDate() method gets the current day of the month (from 1...
constcurrentDate=newDate();constdaysToAdd=7;constnewDate=addDays(currentDate,daysToAdd);console.log(newDate); 这将输出类似于以下内容的日期对象,表示为今天的日期加上7天。 Wed Oct06202110:52:15GMT+0800(China Standard Time) 结论 通过使用JavaScript中的Date对象,可以轻松地将天数添加到日期中。这在许...
Add days to any given date in JavaScript If you need to add days to any day, simpy create a data object of the desired date as follows: consttomorrow=newDate('2022-09-21');console.log(tomorrow);// Wed Sep 21 2022 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00) We specify the desired as a str...
Today I have the solution to this problem: you have a Date object in JavaScript, and you want to add some days to it. How do you do that? Here is a date that representstoday: constmy_date=newDate() Suppose we want to get the date that’s “30 days from now”. ...
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (addDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // Similar to above, but additionally multiplying by 24 as there are 24 hours in a day // Add minutes date.setTime(date.getTime() + (addMinutes * 60 * 1000)); // Convert minutes to milliseconds ...
out.println("Current Date & Time: " + datetime); datetime = datetime.plusDays(15); System.out.println("Date & Time after Increment: " + datetime); // increment month, day, year LocalDateTime datetime2 = LocalDateTime.of(2015, Month.AUGUST, 5, 12, 45); System.out.println("Original ...
javascript里的Date类没有像C#有的addDays,addMonths等函数,还好我们可以通过在它的getTime函数上做一些相应的操作就可以实现这些特殊的函数。请看下面的代码实例,我利用prototype来扩展Date里的函数: Date.prototype.addDays=function(number) { varadjustDate=newDate(this.getTime()+24*60*60*1000*30*number) ...
var firstDayOfYear = new Date(2020, 0, 1);//元旦 var day = firstDayOfYear.clone();//js中Date对象直接赋值是拷贝引用,所以需要用我们追加的自定义克隆 day.addDays(7);//加7天 console.log(day.Format("yyyy/MM/dd"));//输出2020/1/8 标签: Date , javascript 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微...
Add a single day to the Vanilla JavaScript date: Date.prototype.Days=function(a) {letdemo =newDate(this.valueOf()); demo.setDate(demo.getDate() + a);returndemo; }letdemo =newDate();console.log(demo.Days(1));document.write('Current date: '+ demo);document.write('Add 1 days in c...