调用AddDataSource以创建一个数据源,通常代表一组图片,一组音视频文件,一组虚拟数据源(第三方视频接入平台生成的视频播放链接)等。创建成功后通过UploadFile向数据源中上传数据。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。 调试 请求参数...
In Power Apps, there are multiple ways to add a data source. For example, when you add a gallery or a form to the screen, you can use that interface to choose an existing data source or add a new one. Sometimes you must add a data source for a control to complete an action. For...
In Visual Studio, select Project > Add New Data Source to open the Data Source Configuration Wizard. For the type of data source, select Database. For the database model, select Dataset. Follow the prompts to specify a new or existing database connection, or a database file. Select the ...
dataSourceName 类型:System.String 数据源的名称。 providerName 类型:System.String 提供程序的名称。 connectionString 类型:System.String 与提供程序有关的数据源连接字符串。 accessMethod 类型:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.DataBindingAccessMethod 用于从数据源获取信息的访问方法。它使用一个 DataBindin...
A data source provides a secure mechanism to store and manage credentials for a database, as opposed to storing them in files managed by the notebook or RStudio tools. It also makes a password easier to change because it can be updated in one secure loca
Add and manage data sources,DataWorks:If you want to perform operations on data in your database or data warehouse in DataWorks, you must add your database or warehouse to DataWorks as a data source on the Data Source page in Management C...
Complete the steps in the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server Wizard. For more information, see ODBC Data Source Administrator DSN. To add a data source programmatically Call SQLConfigDataSource with the second parameter set to either ODBC_ADD_DSN o...
This post digs into the weeds of getting started and looks at how to choose a good starter data source, connect it, and build from there. So, what's a data source again? In this instance, a data source is any system that generates or stores data about a learner’s interactions. This...
pyinstaller --add-data <source>:<destination> your_script.py 其中: <source>是资源文件的路径,可以是相对路径或绝对路径。 <destination>是资源文件在打包后的可执行文件中的目标路径。 下面是一个简单的例子来说明如何使用--add-data选项。 示例 假设我们有一个Python项目,其中包含一个名为config.ini的配置文...
To add tables to the form data source In the AOT, find the form to which you are adding a data source and expand the form node. Press Ctrl+D to open a second AOT window. ExpandData Dictionary, expandTables, and then find the table you want to add as a form data source. Dra...