在Word 文档中,选择希望 Copilot 处理的文本、列表或表格。 选择文档左侧边距中的Copilot图标 。 选择“进行更改”,然后在“使用 Copilot 撰写草稿”对话框中,告诉 Copilot 要对所选文本执行的操作。 Copilot 提供其他内容后,你可以选择“保留”、“重新生成”或“放弃”。 还可以通过在 Copilot 的撰写框...
The modern text editor is designed to align with the familiar and intuitive interfaces of Microsoft applications such as Outlook, Word, and OneNote. This experience, set by default, introduces a modern design, dark mode, high contrast themes, and a new copilot feature to enhance your text ...
Upload the file by either drag and drop, or browsing to the file location. Add a name (by default, the file's name is used). Add a description. SelectAddto finish adding the knowledge source. Supported document types Word (doc, docx) ...
Code generation. GitHub Copilot Extension for Office Add-ins helps developers generate better API code for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Support for other Office apps will come in the future. GitHub Copilot Extension for Office Add-ins helps developers create an add-in project tailored for the ...
Code generation. GitHub Copilot Extension for Office Add-ins helps developers generate better API code for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Support for other Office apps will come in the future. GitHub Copilot Extension for Office Add-ins helps developers create an add-in project tailored for the ...
GitHubCopilot GitHubOpenIssue GitNoColor GitRepository GitToolWindow GlobalCalendar GlobalVariable GlyphDown GlyphLeft GlyphRight GlyphUp GoOutAvailability GoOutDashboard GoOutPerformanceTrend GoOutUsage GoToBottom GoToCurrentLine GoToDeclaration GoToDefinition GoToEvent GoToField GoToFirst GoToHotSpot GoToLast...
You can make a chart in Word. If you have lots of data to chart,create your chart in Excel, and thencopy from Excel to another Office program. This is also the best way if your data changes regularly and you want your chart to always reflect the latest numbers. In that cas...
The only generative AI extension you need.Including ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Copilot, Kimi Download now, log in to enjoy a seven-day free trial! You will fall in love with her. Say goodbye to switching between tabs to access AI and GPT4,Gemini…… What tasks can AI automate for y...
Type a word or phrase to describe what you're looking for, then press Enter.STEP 3: Filter the results by Type for Clipart.STEP 4: Select a picture. STEP 5: Select Insert. That's it! The image is inserted in your Office document.Clip...
{"New tab":"What's New","New 1":"Surface Laptop Studio 2","New 2":"Surface Laptop Go 3","New 3":"Surface Pro 9","New 4":"Surface Laptop 5","New 5":"Surface Studio 2+","New 6":"Copilot in Windows","New 7":"Microsoft 365","New 8":"Windows 11 apps","Store tab":...