Summary: Learn how to add commands to your Windows PowerShell command history. I have been working in the Windows PowerShell console all day, and I have several commands I keep running. It requires a lot of up and down arrowing to retrieve them. How can I add them to the my command ...
PowerShell.Commands Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Adds the specified computer(s) to the Domain or Work Group. If the account does not already exist on the domain, it also creates one (see notes for ...
要更改类型的代码,必须更改其名称或启动新的 PowerShell 会话。否则,该命令将失败。 展开表 类型: String Position: 0 默认值: None 必需: True 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-Namespace指定类型的命名空间。 如果命令中未包括此参数,则将在 Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddType.AutoGeneratedTypes ...
如果命令中未包括此参数,则将在Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddType.AutoGeneratedTypes命名空间中创建类型。 如果在含有空字符串值或$Null值的命令中包括此参数,则将在全局命名空间中生成类型。 类型:String 别名:NS Position:Named 默认值:None 必需:False ...
Are there commands to use instead of using certtmpl.msc? Argument was specified as a script block, and no input exists array and array list with custom object Array Contains String not comparing. Array Counts Array Dropdown set to a variable Array to string and spaces Array to string usin...
I'm used to using this on debian and now I'm needing to use it on windows with PowerShell and I didn't find any other option.
If true, the parameter must appear in all commands that use the parameter set. If false, the parameter is optional in all commands that use the parameter set. Position If named, the parameter name is required. If positional, the parameter name is optional. When it's omitted, t...
Playing with the registry can be dangerous. This is true when using both the Registry Editor and the PowerShell commands. Be careful! Summary It is easy to change add registry keys and values. You can use theNew-Itemcmdlet to create any key in any registry hive. Once you create t...
Adds a driver to an offline Windows image. Syntax PowerShell Copy Add-WindowsDriver [-Recurse] [-ForceUnsigned] -Driver <String> -Path <String> [-WindowsDirectory <String>] [-SystemDrive <String>] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [-LogLevel <LogLevel>] [<CommonParamete...
PowerShell Add-WsusComputer-Computer<WsusComputer>-TargetGroupName<String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheAdd-WsusComputercmdlet adds the specified computer to the specified target group on the local server or a specified server. You can invoke this command by using the...