It sets the given <cachevariable> to a command-line string as above but without the --target option. The <makecommand> is ignored but should be the full path to msdev, devenv, nmake, make or one of the end user build tools for legacy invocations. Note In CMake versions prior to 3.0...
It sets the given <cachevariable> to a command-line string as above but without the --target option. The <makecommand> is ignored but should be the full path to msdev, devenv, nmake, make or one of the end user build tools for legacy invocations. Note In CMake versions prior to 3.0...
主要通过-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/file来传递cmake文件,用于定义一系列交叉编译器的参数。CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING变量会变置为true。一个典型的toolchain文件: set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm) set(CMAKE_SYSROOT /home/devel/rasp-pi-rootfs) set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /ho...
# test_option.cmake: cmake -DTEST_CMAKE_FEATURE=$1 -DBUILD_PYTORCH=ON .. cmake -DTEST_CMAKE_FEATURE=$1 .. # It can be executed directly on the terminal, no need to execute, for example: cmake -P test_set.cmake make # make install # only used in cmake files with...
CMakeTargets コード CodeActivity CodeAnalysisWindow CodeCoverage CodeCoverageDisabled CodeDefinitionWindow CodeErrorRule CodeHiddenRule CodeInformation CodeInformationError CodeInformationPrivate CodeInformationRule CodeInformationWarning CodeLens CodeMetrics CodeReview CodeReviewDashboard CodeReviewWizard CodeSuppressedRule...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(FeatureSummary) # set-up tool features; this needs to be done early to let the vcpkg auto-download all the optional dependencies...
CMakeTargets 程式碼 CodeActivity CodeAnalysisWindow CodeCoverage CodeCoverageDisabled CodeDefinitionWindow CodeErrorRule CodeHiddenRule CodeInformation CodeInformationError CodeInformationPrivate CodeInformationRule CodeInformationWarning CodeLens CodeMetrics CodeReview CodeReviewDashboard CodeReviewWizard CodeSuppressedRule...
[gh ci] fix install path for tests Jun 12, 2024 .github/workflows towards 2404 release Jun 14, 2024 cmake_modules Update build system and python code Jun 3, 2017 cutint CutIntegral prevails scalar mult (issue 100) Aug 26, 2024
include_directories(SYSTEM path/to/system_directory) 添加目录到原有路径的前面: 代码语言:txt 复制 include_directories(BEFORE path/to/directory) include_directories函数的应用场景包括但不限于: 在项目中使用第三方库时,需要将第三方库的头文件所在的目录添加到编译器的包含路径中。 在项目中使用自定义的...
cmake include_directories传递给externaproject_add cmake include_directories函数用于将指定的目录添加到编译器的包含路径中,以便在编译过程中能够找到所需的头文件。 在使用include_directories函数时,可以传递多个目录作为参数,每个目录之间用空格分隔。这些目录可以是绝对路径,也可以是相对于当前CMakeLists.txt文件的...