Once you have the ref, you can use the "classList" property of the element to add or remove classes. For example, to add a class to the element with the ref "myElement", you would use "this.$refs.myElement.classList.add('my-class')". This will add the "my-class" class to ...
constelement=document.getElementById('item-1');if(element){element.parentElement.classList.add('new-class');} JavaScript Copy As result, your DOM will change to: Item Markup Copy add, class, parent, element, div, vanilla, javascript Technical term: Add class to parent element in JavaScript...
Add the "marked" class to an elements with class="city":Example Add Class Try It Yourself » With CSS » Add Multiple ClassesTo add multiple classes to an element, separate each class with a space.Add both "class1" and "class2" to an element with id="London":Example Add Classes...
let elementClass = element.classList; elementClasses 是一个 DOMTokenList 表示 element 的类属性 。如果类属性未设置或为空,那么 elementClasses.length 返回 0。element.classList 本身是只读的,虽然你可以使用 add() 和 remove() 方法修改它。 方法: add( String [, String] ) 添加指定的类值。如果这些...
(多个)类名转为数组形式 classes = classesToArray( value ); if ( classes.length ) { //多个目标元素 while ( ( elem = this[ i++ ] ) ) { //获取当前值 curValue = getClass( elem ); //如果目标元素是元素节点并且用空格左右包起来 " "+value+" " cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 //源码8382行 function classesToArray( value ) { //元素的className如果有多个类名的话,是以数组形式保存的,那就直接返回 if ( Array.isArray( value ) ) { return value; } //如果元素类名是string类型的话 if ( typeof value === "string" ) { return value.match( rno...
Simply import thescrollPosStyler.jsscript into your HTML page at the very end of the body element. Then, add the.spsclass to the element(s) which you want to style. Define the two CSS classes.sps--abvand.sps--blwand you're all set!
在 jQuery 中,修改和获取 CSS 样式只需要一个 .css 就可以搞定了。实际内部也是通过 DOM 操作实现。
In the preceding code, you used the toggle method to modify the element's class attribute. This method automatically adds or removes the light-theme and dark-theme classes. This code applies the dark styles instead of light styles if you click, and then light styles instead of dark if you...
For example, change the default value of the <DisplayName> element to"Hello ProjectData". The default description is also "HelloProjectOData". For example, change the default value of the Description element to "Test REST queries of the ProjectData service". Add an...