pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --exclude-module=django --add-data="static;static" --add-data="ca;ca" --add-data="certs;certs" --add-data="templates;templates" --add-data "C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages\webview\lib\WebBrowserInterop.x64.dll;./" --add-data "C:\Python36\Lib\site...
Both certs installed without any problem. I got one cert from the browser certificate on the server and the other from the IIS. However, I still get the "You cannot log on to the Microsoft Exchange Server ... certificate is not valid..." during the set up. And "You have an ...
npm install --global office-addin-dev-certs Clone or download this sample to a folder on your computer. Then go to that folder in a console or terminal window. Run the following command to generate a self-signed certificate that you can use for the web server. ...
Currently v0.1 and v0.2.0-rc1 setups are insecure and only support http. You need to add exception to browser and it presents security gap in solution. Describe the solution you'd like Once Harvester installs provide capability to request ssl certificate from Lets Encrypt something similar to...
FirstBaselineToTopHeight FirstDayOfWeek FitsSystemWindows FlipInterval 可聚焦 FocusableInTouchMode FocusedByDefault FocusedMonthDateColor FocusedSearchResultHighlightColor 字体 FontFamily FontFeatureSettings FontProviderAuthority FontProviderCerts FontProviderPackage FontProviderQuery FontProviderSystemFontFamily ...
For example, For more information about the URI to specify, see Identity Provider Details to Use for iss and aud Claims, and for the JWKS URI. Note the following: The URI must be routable from the subnet containing the API gateway on ...
npx office-addin-dev-certs install If prompted for confirmation, confirm the actions. Once the command completes, you will see output similar to the following. Shell You now have trusted access to https://localhost. Certificate: <path>\localhost.crt Key: <path>\localhost.key ...
And add this line to your.gitignore: certs/ These two files can now easily be used by any project, be it Node.js or something else. In Node, within Docker, simply load the copied certificate files into your https server: constfs=require("fs");constExpress=require("express");constapp=...
proxy.add_to_capabilities(proxy_capabilities)assertbmp_capabilities == proxy_capabilities 开发者ID:Inetgate,项目名称:browsermob-proxy-py,代码行数:11,代码来源 示例3: testCanAddAutodetectProxyToDesiredCapabilities ▲点赞 5▼
Is transmission-remote accepting no certificate, and invalid certs? That would be a 4th option on how to handle it, one that is very easy for the end user, but with no security other than the one already in place. The end user would get encrypted communication, which is probably the mai...