Please don't add maintainers without their consent. You don't have to be a Spack expert or package developer in order to be a "maintainer," it just gives us a list of users willing to review PRs or debug issues relating to this package. A package can have multiple maintainers; just ...
keytool command for adding a certificate in keystore and trustStore : Now if you want to import any certificate into this keystore you can use the following keytool command : $ keytool-import-aliasadding_certificate_keystore-fileself.cer-keystore jssecacerts this will print certificate details and...
>>> I get a prompt that asks me if I want to trust the app server >>> certificate but I don't get a prompt to trust the >>> self-signed certificate. >>> >>> Does the self-signed cert need to be added to the db using >>> -t "u,u,u" >>> and if so, how to I do...
1. On the pc hosting your Java CTI application download the Root CA signing certificate.2. Use the "keytool" Java command line application to import the Root CA certificate (from step 1 above) into your server keystore.> keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias rootCA -file ca_root.cer -key...
There are two ways to generate certificates with attributes added. We will use both methods and create two identities in the process. The first method is to specify that the attribute be added to the certificate by default when the identity is registered. The following command will register an...
Certificate stored in file <green.crt> Enter the following command: ../../jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file green.crt -keystore addNumbersClient.jks The following message is displayed: Enter keystore password: Enter the following password: secret Information about the cer...
Java キーストア内のルート CA 証明書を一時ファイルへエクスポートします。 たとえば、次のようになります。 # keytool -export -storepass changeit -alias gtecybertrustca -keystore gtecybertrustca -keystore /usr/j2se/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file /tmp/root.crt Certificate stored in file...
Import the Root CA certificate from the temporary file to the package keystore. Unless changed by the system administrator, the default Java keystore password ischangeit. For example: #pkgadm addcert -t -f der /tmp/root.crtKeystore Alias: /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=Class 2 Public Prima...
Import the certificate to the Spark truststore and mark it as trusted. You can do this step with a script,/wdp/utils/, which is provided on the master nodes of the cluster. The following command runs the script: /wdp/utils/ -truststore -import ...
Certificate Name: Amazon Root CA 1 Certificate download URL: X.509 v3 SHA1 Fingerprint: 8D:A7:F9:65:EC:5E:FC:37:91:0F:1C:6E:59:FD:C1:CC:6A:6E:DE:16 Public key length (for RSA, modulus length) in bits: 2048 ...