Excel 2019 lets you add images and graphics in addition to numerical data. Images and graphics are a great way to make attractive spreadsheets.
You can enter images and graphics into Excel simply to associate them with a particular piece of information. For instance, if you were creating a catalogue of items in a museum, you might want to include a picture of the item next to its description.
page50120"WebViewerA" {ApplicationArea = All; Caption ='WebViewer', Locked =true; PageType = CardPart;layout{area(Content) { usercontrol(WebViewer; WebPageViewer) {#regionControlAddInReadytriggerControlAddInReady(callbackUrl:Text)beginCurrPage.WebViewer.Navigate('https://www.bing.com')end;#en...
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/38-pivottable/pivottable-slicer.yamlawaitExcel.run(async(context) => {constslicer = context.workbook.slicers.getItem("Fruit Slicer"); slicer.caption ="Fruit Types"; slicer.left =395; ...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.MenuItem Add (string Caption, object OnAction, object ShortcutKey, object Before, object Restore, object StatusBar, object HelpFile, object HelpContextID); Parameters Caption String OnAction Object Shortcut...
caption: string; Property Value string Remarks [ API set: ExcelApi 1.10 ]context The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process. TypeScript Kopeeri context: RequestContext; Property Value Excel.RequestContext height...
Adds a data field to a PivotTable report. Returns a PivotField object that represents the new data field. C# Copy public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.PivotField AddDataField (object Field, object Caption, object Function); Parameters Field Object Required Object. The unique field ...
使用inlineshape addpicture函数的步骤如下: 打开Microsoft Office应用程序(如Word、PowerPoint或Excel)。 打开要插入图片的文档、演示文稿或电子表格。 进入VBA编辑器(通常是按下Alt + F11)。 在VBA编辑器中,找到要插入图片的位置,并在该位置编写代码。
Change the checkbox name and caption text When using a checkbox in Excel, you should distinguish between the checkbox name and caption name. The caption name is the text you see beside the checkbox, and the checkbox name is the name you see in the Name box when the checkbox is selected ...
Use the Properties window to name the control and set various properties, such as to add a caption or an accelerator key, set height and width, or set position from left and top. You can specify many aspects of control appearance and behavior from this window. Figure 2 shows the completed...