邮箱里常说的add是指mail add, 邮寄地址的意思。这里add 是英文 address 地址,一般缩写为add.或者addr。 Mail Add ,也称作 联络地址,邮电信箱。另外,CC 英文全称是 Carbon Copy(抄送)BCC英文全称是 Blind Carbon Copy(暗抄送)。两者的区别在于在BCC栏中的收件人可以看到所有的收件人名(TO,CC,BCC...
// Run additional operations appropriate to your scenario.});// Set the recipients in the Bcc field of the message being composed.if(bccRecipients) { bccRecipients.setAsync( [{"displayName":"Lewis Cate","emailAddress":"lewis@contoso.com"}, {"displayName":"Francisco Stitt","emailAddress":...
bcc.addAll(bccInternetAddresses); } if(cc != null) { Set<InternetAddress> ccInternetAddresses = convertRecipientString(recipientList, envVars, EmailRecipientUtils.CC); cc.addAll(ccInternetAddresses); 15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions 15 src/main/java/hudson/plugins/emailext/ExtendedEmailPubl...
The number of email addresses you can BCC in Outlook depends on the limitations your email service provider has set. It also depends on the version of Outlook you’re using.That means Outlook doesn’t have a specific limit on how many recipients you can BCC on an email.So, if you’...
Finally, enter the details of the recipients to Bcc in the Bcc field and send the invite as text. Another option to add the Bcc to email invites on Outlook is to create the meeting and save it on your Calendar before forwarding it to the attendees. ...
The BCC function protects the privacy of email recipients. For example, when you send a message about an address change, you may want everyone to know, but everyone in your contacts may not know each other. If sending something more personal, such as an invitation to a party, send individu...
Our Auto BBC add-in allows you to BBC or CC automatically every time you email. Get this Always BBC mailing software for law firms or brokerage houses.
bcc 读取项 邮件撰写 收件人 1.1 body 读取项 约会组织者 正文 1.1 约会与会者 正文 1.1 邮件撰写 正文 1.1 邮件阅读 正文 1.1 cc 读取项 邮件撰写 收件人 1.1 邮件阅读 数组。<EmailAddressDetails> 1.1 conversationId 读取项 邮件撰写 String 1.1 邮件阅读 String 1.1 date...
How does Bcc work? Recipients in the Bcc field can’t be seen by the primary recipients in the “To:” field, other recipients in the “Bcc” field, or those in the “Cc” field. Depending on the email software, Bcc recipients may be able to see “To” recipients or those Cc’d,...
ccRecipients: メール アドレスを含む文字列の配列、または Cc 行の各受信者の EmailAddressDetails オブジェクトを含む配列。 配列の上限は 100 エントリです。 bccRecipients: 電子メール アドレスを含む文字列の配列、または Bcc 行の各受信者の EmailAddressDetails オブジェクトを含む配列。 配列の...