PS C:\> $ApplicationId = (Get-AzureADApplication -Top 1).ObjectId PS C:\> $UserObjectId = (Get-AzureADUser -Top 1).ObjectId PS C:\> Add-AzureADApplicationOwner -ObjectId $ApplicationId -RefObjectId $UserObjectId此命令将所有者添加到应用程序。参数...
模組: AzureAD 將成員新增至群組。語法PowerShell 複製 Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId <String> -RefObjectId <String> [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionAdd-AzureADGroupMember Cmdlet 會將成員新增至群組。
Hello, My old phone has my azure account in google authenticator. I recently changed phones and would like to add it to my new phone but I cant seem to do so. How can I add it back? Please advise. Thank you.
Is it possible to integrate Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) users into Azure DevOps Server within my VM? If so, what methods can be employed to achieve this integration successfully? Show More Azure DevOps Reply View Full Discussion (2 Replies)Show Parent Replies Chandrasekha...
Azure AD users synchronized with the Adobe Admin Console are unique and can be assigned to one or more product profiles. After you've set up Azure Sync, Azure AD starts to send data to the Adobe Admin Console as per the Azure AD directory's user and group provisioning. All the details ...
AzureAD Adds an owner to a group. Syntax PowerShell Add-AzureADGroupOwner-ObjectId<String>-RefObjectId<String> [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Description The Add-AzureADGroupOwner cmdlet adds an owner to the Microsoft Entra ID group....
The Add-AzureKeyVaultKey cmdlet creates a key in a key vault in Azure Key Vault, or imports a key into a key vault. Use this cmdlet to add keys by using any of the following methods: Create a key in a hardware security module (HSM) in the Key Vault serv
-AADDomain (required)The * domain that you created when you signed up for your Office 365 site ( When the script prompts you to authenticate, use the user name and password that you created for this domain:username@yourcustomdomain.onmicrosoft....
ViewBag.Message = String.Format("Welcome {0}!", userfirstName); return View(); } [/code] Press F5. The application will open like it did earlier. Click the Contact link in top bar. You should be directed to the Azure AD Authentication Page (caused by the ...
Modifying Computer Objects using PowerShell You can also use the PowerShell cmdletSet-ADComputerto modify attributes of AD computer objects. For example, to modify the location of the computer USER01-SRV1, use the following command: Set-ADComputer -Identity "USER02-SRV1" -Location "NA/HQ/Bui...