DEFAULT value: Sets the default value for the column. AUTO_INCREMENT: Automatically assigns a unique value to the column for each new row. Let’s add a new columncreated_atwith a default value andNOT NULLconstraint to theuserstable: ALTERTABLEusersADDcreated_atDATETIMENOTNULLDEFAULTCURRENT_TIMES...
创建student表: create table student ( id int(10) not null unique primary key, name varchar(20) not null , sex varchar(4) , birth year, department varchar(20) , address varchar(50)); 创建score表: create table score ( id int(10) not null unique primary key auto_increment, stu_id in...
ALTER TABLE 创建好的表名称 MODIFY COLUMN 创建好的表需要修改的字段 INT AUTO_INCREMENT 全文: 9) 修改字段属性 mysql修改已存在的表增加ID属性为auto_increment自动增长 今天有需要将已经存在表设置自动增长属性 具体如下 alter table customers change id id int...
alter table user_seminar add us_id Int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; this gives me following error: "incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" what I tried first: alter table user_seminar drop primary key; ...
Date: February 14, 2007 06:02AM try alter table user_seminar add us_id Int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT key; Subject Written By Posted alter table: add a column with AUTO INCREMENT oliver voegeli February 14, 2007 04:35AM Re: alter table: add a column with AUTO INCREMENT ...
(3)); INSERT INTO t1 SET name='Andy', age=31; INSERT into t1 SET name='Caleb', age=1; INSERT t1 SET name='Jacob', age=2; start slave; connection master; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD id int(8) ZEROFILL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY id; save_master_pos; ...
obclient [test]> alter table t1 modify id int primary key; ERROR 1235 (0A000): Not supported feature or function obclient [test]> alter table t1 modify id int auto_increment primary key; ERROR 1235 (0A000): Not supported feature or function ...
要向MySQL数据库表中添加一个新的字段,可以使用ALTER TABLE语句。以下是向名为table_name的表中添加一个名为new_column的字段的示例语法:ALTER TABLE table_name ADD new_column data_type;其中,table_name是要添加字段的表的名称,new_column是新字段的名称,data_type是新字段的数据类型。例如,如果要添加一...
在Mysql中,用alter add命令用来增加索引,其命令格式如下:ALTER TABLE 表名ADD INDEX 索引名 (字段名1[,字段名2 …]); 例如,给表 db_member 添加一个索引,索引名为 id_idx:ALTER TABLE db_memberADD INDEX id_idx (id); 5. 加主关键字的索引 主索引 ...
mysql> alter table MyClass add passtest int(4) default '0';增加表的索引需使用add index命令,格式为:mysql> alter table 表名 add index 索引名 (字段名1[,字段名2 …])。如:增加employee表中名为emp_name的字段:mysql> alter table employee add index emp_name (name);为增加主...