addKeyPkgsToPackageJson(host);// Since the Angular Material schematics depend on the schematic utility functions from the// CDK, we need to install the CDK before loading the schematic files that import from the CDK.constinstallTaskId=context.addTask(newNodePackageInstallTask());context.addTask(...
在Ionic6和Angular8项目中使用组件时出现错误:Error: No component factory found for LoginComponent. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents? 在我的上一篇文章:移动开发:Ionic框架实现注册与登录功能中,实现软件运行时弹出登录页面,使用的就是组件化(component)...
Add module dependency Add the 720kb.tooltips module dependency angular.module('app',['720kb.tooltips']); Call the directive wherever you want in your html page Tooltip me Doc OptionTypeDefaultDescription tooltip-side=""String('left','right','top','bottom...
在Ionic6和Angular8项目中使用组件时出现错误:Error: No component factory found for LoginComponent. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?在我的上一篇文章:移动开发:Ionic框架实现注册与登录功能中,实现软件运行时弹出登录页面,使用的就是组件化(component)。 image 然而在最后运行的时候却报错。上网查了...
javascript">varmyApp=angular.module('myApp',['ng-admin']);myApp.config(['NgAdminConfigurationProvider',function(NgAdminConfigurationProvider){varnga=NgAdminConfigurationProvider;// create an admin applicationvaradmin=nga.application('My First Admin');// more configuration here later// ...// ...
调整一下 package.json 和 angular.json 添加一些额外的 module 执行npm install 安装 package 以下是@angular/material的ng add逻辑,ng-matero与此类似。 初始化安装 在schematics 中,我们可以通过NodePackageInstallTask方法安装 package exportdefaultfunction(options:any):Rule{return(host: Tree, context: Schematic...
Step 2 – Configure Angular application and include dependencies Copy the instrumentation key into the Angular application. If your app was build using the Angular CLI, then you will have anenvironment.tsfile which is a good place to store the instrumentation key. You may choose another file...
必须在分配给Office.initialize的函数内调用Angular引导代码。这可确保 Office JavaScript 库首先初始化。 以下是演示如何执行该操作的简单示例。 此代码应位于项目的main.ts文件中。 JavaScript import{ platformBrowserDynamic }from'@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';import{ AppModule }from'./app.module'; Office....
when run app in angular empty page display why this happen and how to solve that Where can i find logs from .NET Core app hosted in Docker Where do I find ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER")? Where is AllowHtml Where is Controller Initialize Event? Where is my project.json? Where to download...
vue.component.html │ └─ sub-vue.component.ts...microApp from '@micro-zoe/micro-app'; microApp.start(); 支持 WebComponent: // app/app.module.ts import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA..., NgModule } from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ schemas: [CUSTOM...