How to Add or Remove Aliases for your Microsoft Account An account alias is an email address or phone number that you use to sign in to your Microsoft account. You can have multiple aliases, and use any of them with Microsoft services such as, Skype, OneDrive, Office, Xbox,...
SelectRemovenext to the alias you no longer need. Important: Are you sure?If you remove an alias that's an email address from a Microsoft domain (like,,, or, you're permanently deleting the alias and it can't be ...
SelectRemovenext to the alias you no longer need. Important: Are you sure?If you remove an alias that's an email address from a Microsoft domain (like,,, or, you're permanently deleting the alias and it can't be as...
However, if your listener uses a custom port and you used an alias to configure redirection to the listener, then you will need to recreate the alias on the client that is launching Replication Monitor. Passing the port is the recommended method over relying on aliases. To add an Oracle ...
('Office alias is now ' + typeof Office); } function stopUsingShortNamespace() { if (typeof Office === 'undefined') { Microsoft.Office.WebExtension.useShortNamespace(false); } else { Office.useShortNamespace(false); } write('Office alias is now ' + typeof Office); } // Function...
The search bar is located in the Contacts list, under theContactsicon, and in the Phone view, under thePhoneicon. You can search for the names of people or for a skill (job title). In the search box, type a name, email alias, or phone number. You can even type the name of a ...
Remove-SCStorageLogicalUnit Remove-SCStoragePool Remove-SCStorageProvider Remove-SCStorageQoSPolicy Remove-SCStorageVolume Remove-SCStorageZone Remove-SCStorageZoneAlias Remove-SCUpdateServer Remove-SCUplinkPortProfileSet Remove-SCUserRole Remove-SCUserRolePermission ...
Fixed som bugs in RH850 sample and changed SP register to be an alias… b7430dd Updated python bindings RH850 registers constants b3d7f0c Updated all RH850 regs constants files. 2ad2ab1 Removed temporary virtual env. 9650388 Code cleaning. ...
set-alias installutil $env:windir\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe The fourth command uses the InstallUtil tool to register the snap-in. The command specifies the path to ManagementCmdlets.dll, the file name or "module name" of the snap-in. installutil C:\Dev\Management\...
Alias Distinguished name (DN) Canonical DN Domain\Username Email address GUID LegacyExchangeDN SamAccountName User ID or user principal name (UPN) You can't use this parameter with the AccessRights or User parameters. Type:SecurityPrincipalIdParameter ...