You might need to wrap the URL in quotes to avoid issues with special characters in the URL. If you're on Windows, runcURLfrom the command prompt. PowerShell has acurlcommand, but it's an alias for Invoke-WebRequest, which isn't the same ascURL. ...
However, if your listener uses a custom port and you used an alias to configure redirection to the listener, then you will need to recreate the alias on the client that is launching Replication Monitor. Passing the port is the recommended method over relying on aliases. To add an Oracle ...
between the native Windows host and a Linux distro running in WSL. Though newer versions of Windows have built-in optional support for UTF-8 in command prompt, and maybe Windows 11 have it enabled by default. But don't think this needs to be a show-stopper, an additional note in https:...
This way you can set up the environment in a new terminal window by typing ``get_idf``: .. code-block:: bash alias get_idf='. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/' alias get_idf='. $HOME/esp/esp-adf/' Note that it is not recommended to source ```` from the ...
# usermod -u 4004 -g linux -G distro,fedora mandriva 4、给fedora加密码,并设定其密码最短使用期限为2天,最长为50天; 1 # passwd -n 2 -x 50 fedora 5、将mandriva的默认shell改为/bin/bash; 1 usermod-s/bin/bashmandirva 6、添加系统用户hbase,且不允许其登录系统; ...
Close and re-open your WSL terminal, then try your new alias commands. Troubleshooting Error: directory-sync fdatasync Invalid argument Ensure that you are running your Linux distribution in WSL 2 mode. For help switching from WSL 1 to WSL 2, see Set your distribution version to WSL 1 or ...
In the AWS CLI, get the definition of the OrderFlowersBot bot and save it to a file:aws lex-models get-bot \ --region region \ --name OrderFlowersBot \ --version-or-alias "\$LATEST" > OrderFlowersBot-V3.json In a text editor,open OrderFlowersBot-V3.json. Remove the createdDate...
-alias<alias_name>-file<certificate_path>-storepass<truststore_password> where<certificate_path>represents the fully qualified path to the file with the certificate that you exported in the previous step,<alias_name>is the name that you can choose for your certificate entry in the truststore, an...
nginx中alias 找了半天,要么是说配置location /static_resources/ {}这里不加杠和加杠之类的 01 wokerman 外网ip端口访问,Nginx跨域配置,htpps,ssl,wss Nginx是一款轻量级的Web 服务器/反向代理服务器及电子邮件(IMAP/POP3)代理服务器,在BSD-like 协议下发行。其特点是占有内存少,并发能力强,事实上nginx的并发能力...
Error1 Namespace '<global namespace>' contains a definition conflicting with alias 'Excel' Escape ampersand while executing the script Establish a connection and send credentials to copy a file Euclid’s algorithm C# Event method called twice EventHandler: Is event always in the same threa...