As of jQuery 1.12/2.2, this behavior is changed to improve the support for XML documents, including SVG. Starting from this version, the class attribute is used instead. So, .addClass() can be used on XML or SVG documents. More than one class may be added at a time, separated by a...
active是点击瞬间,元素的样式 以下复制自教学网站的内容:定义和用法 :active 选择器用于选择活动链接。当您在一个链接上点击时,它就会成为活动的(激活的)。提示:请使用 :link 选择器对指向未被访问页面的链接设置样式,:visited 用于设置指向已访问页面的链接的样式,:hover 选择器用于设置鼠标指针浮...
// Initialize the add-in.// Office.initialize or Office.onReady is required for all add-ins.Office.initialize =function(reason){// Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method.$(document).ready(function(){// After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.// Store a...
DOCTYPE html> 2 3 4 生成图片列表 5 6 *{ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ...
head> Welcome! Please choose the Settings icon at the bottom of this window to configure this add-in. </
let _projectUid; // GUID of the active project. let _docUrl; // Path of the project document. let _odataUrl = ""; // URL of the OData service: http[s]://ServerName /ProjectServerName /_api/ProjectData // Ensure the Office.js library is loaded. Office....
the colour and size of the counter icon * Option to use load by Ajax to prevent the count from being cached by caching plugins * Option to Manually set / edit total views and views today from Page View Count meta box on any post or page editor * Add Page Views counter via the PVC ...
let _projectUid; // GUID of the active project. let _docUrl; // Path of the project document. let _odataUrl = ""; // URL of the OData service: http[s]://ServerName /ProjectServerName /_api/ProjectData // Ensure the Office.js library is loaded. Office.onReady(function() { /...
Office.initialize = function (reason) { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. _projDoc = Office.context.document; _app = Office.context; }); } function logError(errorText...
You have to provide the "id" parameter. This would also be your way to identify the button in case you are using more then on function while using the same custom function. You have to provide the "toggle" parameter. This will determine whether the button will toggle his state active sta...