coord-transform.R data.R facet-.R facet-grid-.R facet-null.R facet-wrap.R fortify-lm.R fortify-map.R fortify-multcomp.R fortify-spatial.R fortify.R geom-.R geom-abline.R geom-bar.R geom-bin2d.R geom-blank.R geom-boxplot.R geom-col.R geom-contour.R geom-count.R g...
The R functions below can be used : geom_hline()for horizontal lines geom_abline()for regression lines geom_vline()for vertical lines geom_segment()to add segments Related Book: GGPlot2 Essentials for Great Data Visualization in R geom_hline : Add horizontal lines ...
Subject: Re: [R] add median/mean line to stri-plot in lattice Dear Duncan, sorry for the data, it was a bit too bulky to simply put it here as a table, although you recreated it very good. What i would like to do is something similar to the figure attached, which was done with...
Add Confidence Interval Lines to a PlotAntoine Filipovic Pierucci
#plot(x,y) #abline(coef(lm)) #abline(coef=c(0, lm$coefficients[2])) lrw <- as.numeric(lm$coefficients[2]*grid_n*grid_m + grid_n*grid_m*100) #lrw <- ((grid_n*grid_m)*18.5 + 20)*10 -> alternative function return(lrw) } loadMAT <- function (file){ print(system.time(...
# 添加标准线以及其他内容plot(resAdj, rid ="DiffMean",type="manhattan", suggestiveline = 3, genomewideline = 6,main ="My custom Manhattan")abline(h = 13, col ="yellow") 02 火山图 # 设置阈值tPV以及tFC,分别是-log10 of P...
plot(-d$x, d$v, xlim=c( -w$ci2-0.3, -w$ci1+0.3 ), ylim=c( w$vmax-(halfchi*2.7), w$vmax+halfchi), type = "l", xlab = "xi_hosking in GEV", col="black", ylab = "Profile Log-likelihood", main=c("Profile CI for xi")) ma <- w$vmax abline(h = ma, col ...
predicted_sales <- predict(lm_fit, newdata = to_be_predicted) plot(iced_tea_sales ~ temperatures, bg = "blue", pch = 16) points(x = to_be_predicted$temperatures, y = predicted_sales, col = "red", cex = 2, pch = 17) abline(reg = lm_fit$coefficients, col = "blue", ...
ci.95 # Plot the confidence interval on the histogram hist(store_median, breaks = 20, freq = FALSE, col = "red", border ='white', main = 'Bootstrap Distribution of Median AGE', xlab = 'Median AGE') abline(v = ci.95, col = "blue", lwd = 4, lty = 2) ```We...