1. git branch 查看本地分支,带有*的表示我们当前所在的分支 2. git branch <branchName> 新建一个本地分支,但不会自动切换到信分支上 3. git branch <brancName> <commit> 为某个commit记录创建一个分支 4. git branch <brancName> <localBranch> 从某个分支新建一个分支 5. git branch -d <localBran...
andan empty message aborts thecommit.##Date: Thu Jan 26 23:07:10 2017 +0800## rebaseinprogress; onto f9aee6e# You are currently editing acommitwhile rebasing branch'master'on'f9aee6e'.## Changestobecommitted:# new file: file1
git push --d origin oldbranch 3)将修改后的本地新分支推送到远程仓库上 git push origin newbranch git 分支常用命令 描述 git branch 查看本地所有分支(当前本地所在分支前面带*且为绿色,其它本地分支为白色) git branch-r 查看远程所有分支(远程分支都为红色) git branch-a 查看本地和远程所有分支 git ...
git push --d origin oldbranch 1. 3)将修改后的本地新分支推送到远程仓库上 git push origin newbranch 1. git 分支常用命令 描述 git branch 查看本地所有分支(当前本地所在分支前面带*且为绿色,其它本地分支为白色) git branch -r 查看远程所有分支(远程分支都为红色) git branch -a 查看本地和远程所...
#On branch master #Changes to be committed: #new file: .gitignore # 保存并关闭文件,git 将修改最近的提交以包括新更改。也可以在保存文件之前编辑提交消息。 如果要做的只是更新提交消息本身,例如修正一个拼写错误,那实际上并不需要进入暂存环境。只需要运行这个命令: ...
\ No newline at end offile+Git is a distributed version control system.+Git isfreesoftware. $ git add readme.txt #检查修改无误后提交到中转站 $ git status #确认各个文件的状态和中转站里的文件 On branch master Changes to be committed: ...
branch -D 分支名 Tips:其他分支命令 查看当前分支 git branch 查看所属分支 git branch -a ...
git add -p: Interactively stage hunks of changes You can see all of the many options withgit addingit-scm's documentation. Examples ofgit add git addusually fits into the workflow in the following steps: Create a branch:git branch update-readme ...
git commit -a -m "Your message comes here" Once a commit is executed you click the branch name (in this example, master) and it will show you an option to create a new branch, but it will also show you the commit ID your branch is using. ...