enum apollo::planning::ADCTrajectory::RightOfWayStatus 枚举值 UNPROTECTED PROTECTED 在文件 planning.proto 第98 行定义. 98 { 99 UNPROTECTED = 0; 100 PROTECTED = 1; 101 }◆ TrajectoryTypeenum apollo::planning::ADCTrajectory::TrajectoryType 枚举值 UNKNOWN NORMAL PATH_FALLBACK SPEED_FALLBACK...
virtual ~ADCTrajectoryContainer ()=default Destructor void Insert (const ::google::protobuf::Message &message) override Insert a data message into the container bool IsProtected () const Get the right-of-way status of ADC bool IsPointInJunction (const common::PathPoint &point) const Check...
Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I,Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/Analytical Data.space surveillance systemscomputer program documentationradarcomputer programsreentry vehiclesguided missile trajectoriessynchronous satellitesorbitsinterceptors...
Chen, BinJiangXi University of Finance and EconomicsSpringer Berlin HeidelbergBin Chen, "Effects of phase space trajectory and ADC, noise on autocorrelation performances of chaotic sequences", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, No. 129, pp. 595-601, 2012....
ADCChaotic sequences have been widely used as pseudorandom sequences. But the problems of how to judge the performances of their autocorrelation functions are good or not, up to now, have not been solved. So, the applications of chaotic sequences are limited. In the paper, by method of ...
CSIE 2011World congress on computer science and information engineeringBin Chen, "Effects of phase space trajectory and ADC, noise on autocorrelation performances of chaotic sequences", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, No. 129, pp. 595-601, 2012....
(S1), and to feedback control of the movable shaft so that the position to follow the movable shaft to the command signal (S1) a feedback signal (S2) indicating the position of the movable shaft of the case, using the two movement trajectory of the movable axes of the coordinate axes ...
An aircraft control device calculates trajectories of multiple aircraft that is member of a flight by use of a method such as Direct Collocation with Nonlinear Programming (DCNLP), in which an optimal solution is obtained by discretizing continuous variables. Nodes indicating the trajectory are ...
alpha-particle trajectoryPADCetched track formationsolid-state nuclear track detectorsunequivocal correlationrestricted energy lossThe formation of etched tracks in solid-state nuclear track detectors is usually described by assuming an unequivocal correlation of the etch-rate ratio with the energy loss of ...
Possible Regional Air Transport to the Tibetan Plateau Using Trajectory-Cluster AnalysisWith above 4000 meters average height above sea level, the Tibetan plateau has very little anthropogenic sources of environmental pollutants and thus has been believed to be a pristine area. However, evidences have ...