Functional evaluation distinguishes MCI patients from healthy elderly people--the ADCS/MCI/ADL scale. Patients with MCI may present minor impairments in activities of daily living (ADL). The main objective of this work was to evaluate the ability of two ver... H Pedrosa,AD Sa,M Guerreiro,.....
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-79948-3_5028Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study ADL ScaleSpringer New York
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study ADL Scaledoi:10.1007/978-0-387-79948-3_5029Jeffrey S. KreutzerJohn DeLucaBruce CaplanSpringer New YorkEncyclopedia of Clinical NeuropsychologyHeun R, Schoepf D, Potluri R, Natalwala A. Alzheimer's disease and co-morbidity: increased prevalence and possible ...