我已经设置了 5 个通道的 ADC SAR。 已经用工业方式组装了5块原型板。 我一个接一个地阅读这些频道。 除其他外,应读出 (-5V) 和 (0V) 之间的电压(通道 1)。 逆变器已直接在芯片上使用(见图)。 相应地连接了引脚。 此外,必须读出电阻设置(0-5V;通道 2)。 2 个电路板可以正常工作。 1 个电路板从...
自由运行ADC_SAR_Seq持续运行 软件触发器StartConvert()API的调用会启动所有通道的一次转换 硬件触发SOC引脚上的一个上升沿脉冲触发一次转换。 时钟源 通过此参数可以选择ADC_SAR_Seq组件的内部时钟或外部时钟。 ADC时钟说明 内部使用ADC_SAR_Seq的内部时钟。
这是机器翻译的内容 有,但您可能需要手动将信号复用到 SAR 并触发每次转换。 您可以使用端口 1 的 HSIOM 寄存器来决定要连接哪个引脚。 以下是步骤: 1) 将 SAR 配置为仅对端口 1 中的一个引脚进行采样,这意味着 SAR ADC 中只有一个信道。 还可配置为一次性采样(非连续...
The Sequencing SAR ADC component gives you the ability to configure and use the different operational modes of the SAR ADC on PSOC™ 4. You have schematic- and firmware-level support for seamless use of the Sequencing SAR ADC in PSOC™ Creator designs and ...
特性概述序列逐次逼近adcadc_sar_seq PSoC® Creator™组件数据手册 序列逐次逼近ADC (ADC_SAR_Seq) 1.0 特性 支持PSoC 5LP 器件 可选分辨率(8、10 或12 位)和采样率 (高达1 Msps) 自动扫描多达64 个单端或32 个差分通道 注意:输入通道的实际最大数量取决于特定PSoC 器件和封装中可 ...
The Sequencing SAR ADC component gives you the ability to configure and use the different operational modes of the SAR ADC on PSOC™ 4. You have schematic- and firmware-level support for seamless use of the Sequencing SAR ADC in PSOC™ Creator designs and ...
I add an ADC_SAR_Seq component, but it makes two errors. "Too many clocks allocated for SARADC components." "Resource limit: Maximum number of SAR Fixed Blocks exceeded (max=1, needed=2)." I just add a component to empty project. What I have to do? Maybe there is another method ...
ADC_SAR_Seq_DieTemp04.cyprj.Archive01.zip Thread_ADC_Readings.xlsx 19 KB Like 回覆 1,875 檢視 0 Translation_Bot Community Manager 15 十一月 2023 檢視原始內容: I-English | 原始作者: Maragani 這是機械翻譯的內容 嗨@Wiwaldi 希望您已經閱讀了上面的共享信息,並且您是否有時間從您的...
so i place a ADC_SAR_Seq , and a analog input how could i set a right Vref,that could accept Voltage range from 0-5V , i saw the Vhref selection have a VDD , but it is 3.3V Thanks for your help, david Solved! Go to Solution. Topics: BLE Like Subscribe 582 0 4 View...
2) When I faced above problem, I tried to replicate the exact project (with same pin numbers and configuration). I copied the exact same code from the project. When I tried to build it, it spewed out some errors that a) Analog teminal "vdac_ref" on ADC_SAR_SEQ_v1_10 is uncon...