第一个参数是ADC_Mode,这里设置为独立模式: ADC_InitStructure.ADC_Mode= ADC_Mode_Independent; 在这个模式下,双ADC不能同步,每个ADC接口独立工作。所以如果不需要ADC同步或者只是用了一个ADC的时候,就应该设成独立模式了。 第二个参数是ADC_ScanConvMode,这里设置为DISABLE。 ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ScanConvMode= D...
第三种是外部引脚触发,对于规则通道,选择EXTI线11和TIM8_TRGO作为外部触发事件;而注入通道组则选择EXTI线15和TIM8_CC4作为外部触发事件。 第五个参数是ADC_DataAlign,这里设置为ADC_DataAlign_Right右对齐方式。建议采用右对齐方式,因为这样处理数据会比较方便。当然如果要从高位开始传输数据,那么采用左对齐优势就明显...
ADC_InitStructure.ADC_Mode=ADC_Mode_Independent;//ADC工作在独立模式ADC_InitStructure.ADC_NbrOfChannel=1;//选择只有一个通道开始转换 邀杯同醉酒2018-07-06 04:39:33 如何解决ADC连续转换问题? 我在代码下面,我正在读取ADC计数并通过CAN发送它。ADC正在_SINGLE转换模式下正常工作...但它不能用于连续转换模式...
ADC_DeInit(ADC1); ADC_InitStructure.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent; ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ScanConvMode = DISABLE; ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ContinuousConvMode = DISABLE; ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ExternalTrigConv = ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_None; ADC_InitStructure.ADC_DataAlign = ADC_DataAlign_Right; ADC_Ini...
If TRIGa_CTRL[SYNC_MODE] is set, the trigger process will control TRIGa andTRIG(a+4) synchronously. In this mode, the initial delay of TRIGa and TRIG(a+4) iscontrolled by the settings of TRIGa, while other settings are independent. Since a is in the range of 1...8 and in my case...
Another arm of this study is to utilize a hysteretic comparator to quantize the full-scale range of signals (MSB to LSB) independent of the resolution. The proposed design allows users to easily set the hysteresis width of the comparator for a predetermined resolution without causing any ...
A discrete-time programmable-gain analog-to-digital converter (ADC) input circuit with input signal and common-mode current nulling, provides a high input impedance level substantially independent of input capacitor size and input signal gain setting. An input voltage is sampled using one or more ...
The only independent risk factor was a history of urinary system infection in the past 6 months (p=0.025) according to multivariate regression analysis. These high resistance rates to antimicrobials and particularly the extremely high rate of ESBL production in CAUTI should be carefully considered. ...
A serial clock is provided for generating a serial clock during the test mode independent of a system clock. Control circuitry is then operable for controlling the data converter during the test mode to convert data utilizing the serial clock at times not coinciding with the rising and falling ...
Also, the reading-out means 121, the detecting means 122 and the discriminating means 123 execute an independent operation, respectively. In such a way, the retrieval processing of the dictionary 110 can be executed at a high speed.YOSHIDA SHIGERU...