adcChannelConfig [idx] .channelId = (ifxEvadc_channelId) (idx); adcChannelConfig [idx] .resultRegister = (ifxEvadc_channelResult) (idx); /* DMA */ adcChannelConfig [0] .resultPriority = (ifxDMA_channelId_0); adcChannelConfig [0] .resultServProvider = ifxSrc_tos_dma; /* Initialize...
The data for the DMA channel 1 is prepared in theg_adc16ChannelDataArrayprepared in memory and theDMA operates in the following cycle: Step 1In the beginning, the DMA channel 1 transfer is started using software trigger.This configures the channel and starts the conve...
Because of that, i try to configure a DMA transfer of the converted ADC values ( 2 channels, e.g. I1 and I2 ) without generating any interrupts that will stop my main program temporarly. Thus, if the...
Solved: Hi, I am using the FRDM-KL26Z development board with MCUXpresso IDE to sample a signal using the ADC triggered via PIT. I plan to use two DMA
channel ADC_SAR_SEQ DMA transfer to RAM buffers. The ADC data buffering is performed continuously and lossless: once the first buffer is populated, the DMA automatically switching to the next buffer. This circular data buffering is often referred to as double-buffered or Ping-Pong DMA transfer...
STM32 有如下程序片段:#define ADC1_DR_Address ((u32)0x4001244C)#define ADC3_DR_Address ((u32)0x40013C4C)..DMA_DeInit(DMA1_Channel1); DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = ADC1_DR_Address; DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (u32)&ADC1
I have a system with a K22 where I use ADC0 with two channels using the A and B triggers. The A & B channels are triggered by the PDB which also
Hello, I am using XMC4500 microcontroller to develop a power electronic project. I need to use multi-channel ADC+DMA in DAVE4 IDE. As I search in
ETC DMA control Register (DMA_CTRL) The only comment that's seen in the Reference Manual is this: "DMA request or interrupts will assert according to the software configurations." Is there any further detail available, or sample code describing the ADC multi channel ...
channel 18DMA_0.TCD[17].SADDR.R=((vuint32_t)&ADC_1.CDR[1].R);//Source Address ADC1_AN[1]DMA_0.TCD[17].ATTR.R=0x0|0x200|0x0|0x2;//Source transfer size 32-bit, no Address Modulo usedDMA_0.TCD[17].SOFF.R=0;// TCD Signed Source Address Offset(constant)DMA_0.TCD[17]...