In the long run, we find negative experiences in web development can be more valuable than the positive ones. The concept of 'knowledge brokerage' is a useful term to describe the collaboration between the academics – who were forced to conceptualise their data in new ways – and the ...
International migrants often need social support to deal with an unfamiliar environment and reduce stress caused by prevailing attitudes in their host country , as well as that induced by distance and separation from their family. This study investigates whether mobile phones facilitate or inhibit migra...
kuten rajata, kiertää, säätää, käyttää suodatinta, lisätä tekstiä sekä poistaa tai sumentaa taustan. Jos valitset objektin tai useita objekteja kuvassa, voit suorittaa toimintoja vain valinnoillasi, kuten: ...
depth: layers of SU(4) operations in model circuit. seed: randomization seed. Returns: QuantumCircuit: a randomly constructed quantum volume model circuit. Reference Circuit: .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: from qiskit.circuit.library import QuantumVolume import circuit = Quan...
Sources this thinking must be sought in the context of its historical emancipation. It consists of an ideological-political tradition and shaping the structure of Slovak society. It creates the Slovak traditionalism.JežovicováDanielaσοφια. journal of the philosophers...
In this article, I shall explore Charlotte Rampling's star persona in a series of French/French-backed films made between 2000 and 2005, in particular considering her as an ageing transnational female star, in terms of both representation and performance. By representation, I mean to analyse how...
Ultraviolet Light-induced Köbner Phenomenon Contributes to the Development of Skin Eruptions in Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis. A.; Sugaya, M.; Sato, S.: Ultraviolet light-induced Kobner phenomenon contributes to the development of skin eruptions in multicentric reticulohistiocytosis... Tamguchi,...
Thelifeguardskick everyone out of the water at 7, but you can go back in 5 minutes later Upvote1Downvote Cassandra HodgeMay 18, 2014 Woodsy,forestedtrailsand plenty of stairs for your thighs to enjoy. UpvoteDownvote Sylvan JrOctober 30, 2013 ...
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