学习目标:使用ADC采集电压通过配置ADC1_IN1通道,结合ADC模数转换函数,将电压模拟量转换为数字量,并将数据通过串口打印输出。CubeMX配置参数配置在 Analog 中选择 ADC1 设置,并选择 IN1 通道1,选择 IN1 Single-ended单通道。ADC具体配置参数下图所示需要配置的参数已在图中框出,其他只需要保持默认就可以。ADC_Setti...
意思是ADC3通道。PA1的ADC123_IN1,表示PA1可以做ADC1、2、3模块的通道1。特别的,PB0,default选项是 ADC12_IN8,则PB0只能用在ADC1、2模块的通道8上,不能用在ADC3模块的通道8.
型号 镶齿三牙轮钻头8 1/2in IADC517 高质量的镶齿三牙轮钻头,一般能够符合各种地质条件,只要是钻井人员,能够严格的遵循各种施工流程,都是可以确保,在长期的运行中,依然是能够确保性能的不变,终究镶齿三牙轮钻头的设计方案,是采用三个牙轮,和锥形的金字塔结构,来通过一排排镶嵌的钢齿,来实现粉碎石粒,和削切...
对于开发实例1,若同时以ADC1_IN8和ADC1_IN9两个通道进行采集,请参照以下程序进行修改。 ADC_InitStructure.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent; // ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ScanConvMode = DISABLE;//即单个通道采集 ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ContinuousConvMode = DISABLE;//单次转换 ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ExternalTrigCo...
Dysregulated fear conditioned responses have been associated with PTSD in adults, with increased fear-potentiated startle (FPS) serving as a potential intermediate phenotype for PTSD risk. This phenotype has also been associated with stress-related ADCYAP1R1 gene variants in adult women. However, FPS...
This 10 b AD-converter at a sample rate of 5O MSample/s, embedded in 50mm 2 of digital circuitry, shows 8.7 effective bits. A straight flash-architecture would need 1023 accurate fast comparators. With a 2 V input range, a comparator offset voltage of no more than 1 mV can be tolera...
In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, overexpression of proC resulted in a striking signal to PHB and glycogen accumulation after prolonged nutrient deprivation. When combined with the adc1 disruption, there was a notable increase in PHB production, particularly in situations where there was a strong C su...
Solved: Hey All, I am currently working with the TLE9850x controller, can i use ADC1 Post-Processing-Channel 0 for ADC1-CH13(Current shunt) by
However,Adcyap1allele size significantly positively predicted the inferred breeding latitude of males but not of females. Moreover, we found a strong positive association between inferred breeding latitude andAdcyap1allele size in long‐distance migrating birds from the northern sector of the breeding ...
China's cross-border e-commerce trade rose 9.6 percent year on year to 577.6 billion yuan (about 81.3 billion U.S. dollars) in the first quarter of this year, data from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) showed. During t...