STM32的ADC采样与多通道ADC采样硬件电路图 每一个ADC通道都对应一个GPIO引脚,看图中的ADC123_IN10,表示这个引脚(PC0)可以配置为ADC1的通道10,或者是ADC2的通道10,或者是ADC3的通道10,这个地方非常重要,涉及到后面ADC初始化时函数的调用。 2024-03-01 12:34:09 ...
意思是ADC3通道。PA1的ADC123_IN1,表示PA1可以做ADC1、2、3模块的通道1。特别的,PB0,default选项是 ADC12_IN8,则PB0只能用在ADC1、2模块的通道8上,不能用在ADC3模块的通道8.
CD123 is an attractive AML target due to its elevated expression on AML compared to normal bone marrow cells. Still, severe myelosuppression and myeloablation have been reported in preclinical studies for some CD123-targeted therapies. Here, we present a novel ADC which selectively kills CD123-...
"The home folder could not be created because the network name cannot be found" error in AD users and computers "The program cannot open the required dialog box because it cannot determine whether the computer named ... is joined to a domain". "The server does not support the requested cr...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is the most serious form of degenerative motor neuron disease in adults, is characterized by upper and lower motor neuron degeneration, skeletal muscle atrophy, paralysis, and death. Some patients with respiratory-dependent ALS die of sudden cardiac arrest ...
Pinning centres in NEG-123 active at liquid oxygen temperature (90.2 K) We present a new type of (Nd,Eu,Gd)BaCuO'NEG-123' material for superconducting permanent magnets for use at liquid oxygen temperature (90.2 K). This materi... M Muralidhar,N Sakai,M Jirsa,... - 《Superconductor ...
HARVESTS IN AUTUMN When the grapes become ripe and leaves on the trees turn yellow, autumn is here. We are always surprised by the sight of the first falling leaves. When each fall comes, what we celebrate isn’t newness or a new season, ...
In Nanchang 2023南昌国际摄影与短视频大赛获奖作品展示(四) 短视频组 优秀奖 -南昌大学医学生的江西探索之旅- 林夏、禹点、李红英、 Mahreen Hameed(乔木)、 Mahnoor Khan(微微) 视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新 摄影组 优秀奖 -毕业...
【5】 In general 【解析】 【1】句意:得知自己在演讲比赛中获得了第一名,Dave感到自豪。 本题对“为……感到自豪”进行挖空,考查形容词短语。“为……感到自豪”可用be proud of表达。故填(1). proud (2). of。 【2】句意:如果你下定决心去做,你进人一所好的高中的梦想就会实现。 本题对“下定...