if (adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE (TAG, "WIDTH ERROR"); } if (adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC_CHANNEL, ADC_ATTEN_DB_12)) { ESP_LOGE (TAG, "ATTEN ERROR"); } int xo = 0; while (1) {
#include<esp_event.h>#include<driver/gpio.h>#include<driver/adc.h>#include<stdio.h>#defineJS1_X 34#defineJS1_Y 35#defineJS1_BT 32#defineJS2_X 27#defineJS2_Y 26#defineJS2_BT 25typedefstruct{shortx :10;shorty :10; } Point2D;voidapp_main(){if(adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_10Bi...
* 调用 :内部调用*/staticvoidADC1_GPIO_Config(void);/*函数名:ADC1_Mode_Config * 描述 :配置ADC1的工作模式为MDA模式 * 输入 : 无 * 输出 :无 * 调用 :内部调用*/staticvoidADC1_Mode_Config(void); 首先看的是第一个函数,即引脚定义: /** 函数名:ADC1_GPIO_Config * 描述 :使能ADC1和DMA1...
#if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 ADC_WIDTH_BIT_9 = 0, /*!< ADC capture width is 9Bit. */ ADC_WIDTH_BIT_10 = 1, /*!< ADC capture width is 10Bit. */ ADC_WIDTH_BIT_11 = 2, /*!< ADC capture width is 11Bit. */ ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12 = 3, /*!< ADC capture width is 12Bit....
config.borderWidth! const bottom = y + size > this.wrapper?.height! - this.config.borderWidth! return checkRight || checkLeft || checkTop || bottom } eatFoodHandler() { const {x, y } = this.snake[0] if (x === this.star!.x && y === this.star!.y) { this.addSnakeBody(...
(DCLKI, DCLKQ) DCLK Duty Cycle tSR tHR tPWR Setup Time DCLK_RST± Hold Time DCLK_RST± Pulse Width DCLK_RST± ADC12D1000 TA = TMIN to TMAX ADC12D1600 TA = TMIN to TMAX Non-DES Mode; LFS = 0b ADC12D1000 TA = TMIN to TMAX ADC12D1600 TA = TMIN to TMAX Non-DES Mode; ... Output Bus Width Options The device provides an option to increase the SDO-x bus width from one bit (default, single SDO-x) to two bits (dual SDO-x) when operating with clock re-timer data transfer. To operate the device in dual SDO mode, set the SDO_WIDTH bit in ...
The minimum pulse width should be greater than 33 ns (25.5 ns in PSoC 5LP). PSoC Creator will generate an error during the build process if the clock does not fall within these limits. In that case, change the Master Clock in the Design-Wide Resources Clock Editor. 18 Mhz = 55.5 ns...
If this is necessary, keep them separated by a gap of at least three times the signal trace width. • Minimize loops between power and ground traces (when no ground plane is used), avoiding the "loop antenna" effect. AN10974 Application note All information provided in this document...