As the ADC community is reunited all under one roof at the world’s leading and biggest industry forum, use this valuable time to reconnect with your peers, meet fresh faces, and visit exhibitor booths to make new and lasting scientific and business “linkers” with the wide range of attende...
23.Lawn, S., Lawn, S.,ZW191 – A FRa-Targeted ADC Employing Zymework’s TOPO1-Inhibitor Platform. March 16, 2023: World ADC London 2023. 24. 25.TOPO1i ADC Platform: From Concept to Pipeline. March 2022: World ADC London 2022....
TROP2 QCS-NMR是一种新型生物标志物,能够帮助预测Dato-DXd的疗效。在2024年世界肺癌大会(WCLC 2024)上发布的一项研究中,TROPION-Lung 01试验结果显示,对于非鳞癌且驱动基因阴性的患者(通常为免疫治疗耐药患者),那些TROP2 QCS-NMR+的患者在接受Dato-DXd治疗后,疗效明显优于TROP2 QCS-NMR-的患者。具体来看...
[26]Besse B, Lo Russo G, Lena H, et al. Tusamitamab ravtansine vs docetaxel in previously treated advanced nonsquamous NSCLC: results from phase 3 CARMEN-LC03 trial. Presented at:IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer; September 7-10, 2024; San Diego, CA. Abstract OA08.05. [27]...
[J]. 中华肿瘤杂志,2024,46(4):304-318.【3】 Sands J, Lisberg A, Okamoto I, et al. Datopotamab deruxtecan vs docetaxel in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: final overall survival from TROPION-Lung01. Presented at: 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer; September 7-10, 2024;...
2024年6月25-27日,2024年度世界抗体药物偶联亚洲大会(World ADC Asia)将于韩国仁川举行。复宏汉霖将携公司多款ADC (Antibody Drug Conjugate) 产品及自研ADC技术平台亮相会议。 图片 作为一家国际化的生物制药公司,复宏汉霖始终秉持以患者为中心、以临床需求为导向,现已前瞻性布局了一个多元化、高质量的产品管线,...
Interested World ADC Londo... The World ADC London Conference 2024 focuses on antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), showcasing recent advancements and challenges in the field. It aims to unite experts for collaboration and knowledge exchange, covering topics like linker-payload optimization, target discover...
Whether you have just ventured into the ADC space or are an ADC guru, the World ADC London Conference 2024 had you covered. Intro to ADCsExpand Discovery Expand Preclinical & TranslationalExpand Clinical LessonsExpand Process & Analytical DevelopmentExpand ...
Welcome to World ADC San Diego! The World’s Largest, Longest Standing & Definitive Antibody-Drug Conjugate Event
08:45-12:00, May 10, 2024 DongFang1 Ballroom 3F,Shanghai Fuyue Hotel, Shanghai Exhibition An exhibition of dermatology-related medicines, medical skin care products and medical devices will be held during the conference. Venue: DongFang2 Ballroom 3F;FuYue1 ...