The sequencer allows automatic conversion of the selected channels, or channels can be addressed individually if desired. Data is transferred via the serial port. SAR ADCs are popular in multichannel data-acquisition applications because they lack the “pipeline” delays typical in Σ-Δ and ...
With the ADC sequencer, you can configure any sequence of up to 16 channels successively, with different sampling times and in different orders. Regular channels and their order in the conversion sequence must be selected in the ADC_SQRx registers. The total number of conversions in the regular...
The sequencer allows automatic conversion of the selected channels, or channels can be addressed individually if desired. Data is transferred via the serial port. SAR ADCs are popular in multichannel data-acquisition applications because they lack the “pipeline” delays typical in Σ-Δ and ...
Sequencer Operation Automatic Cycle Mode I²C® Compatible Serial Interface I²C® Interface supports:Standard, Fast, and High-Speed Modes Out of Range Indicator Pin-Selectable Addressing via AS Automatic Shutdown Mode: - 1 µA maxAD7998 技术指标Resolution...
上面是DSP2808ADC转换数据手册上的例程来的,实在不懂什么意思,请指教! 先看寄存器的解释: MAX_CONVn bit field defines the maximum number of conversions executed in an autoconversion session. The bit fields and their operation vary according to the sequencer modes (dual/cascaded). ...
上面是DSP2808ADC转换数据手册上的例程来的,实在不懂什么意思,请指教! 先看寄存器的解释: MAX_CONVn bit field defines the maximum number of conversions executed in an autoconversion session. The bit fields and their operation vary according to the sequencer modes (dual/cascaded). ...
The SPD1188 has implemented an ECAP module with following features: • Flexible input capture pin: each GPIO can be configured as capture pin • 32-bit time base counter • 4 x 32-bit time-stamp capture registers • 4-stage sequencer that is synchronized to external events • ...
Figure 2. ADC sequencer converting 7 channels with different configured sampling times Note: This application note is not delivered with a firmware example of this mode. Doc ID 16840 Rev 1 5/18 Independent modes Figure 3. Multichannel, single conversion mode 3TART AN3116 #(X #(N 3TOP AI...
Device Drivers ---> [*] Staging drivers ---> [*] Industrial I/O support ---> [*] Enable buffer support within IIO <*> Industrial I/O lock free software ring < > Industrial I/O buffering based on kfifo -*- Enable triggered sampling support ...
Block diagrams of the single (16-state, cascaded) and dual (two 8-state, separated) sequencer modes are shown in Figure 1−4 and Figure 1−5, respectively. In both cases, the ADC has the ability to autosequence a series of conversions. This means that each time the ADC receives a ...