sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_71CYCLES_5 ;分析:采样周期太小,会导致采样不准确,采样周期 wo4456 2021-12-08 06:35:07 基于12位采样精度ADC芯片ADC12062实现数据采集测控系统的设计 本文应用的测控系统中,按照测控需求,每个信号周期内通常采样 96 个点,采样值累 加次数为4096 次,若采样频率选择为...
sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_71CYCLES_5 ;分析:采样周期太小,会导致采样不准确,采样周期 wo4456 2021-12-08 06:35:07 关于STM32 ADC的工作频率 ,否则转换精度会下降。每个转换通道都可以单独配置采样的时间周期,单个通道最大转换速率为1us。2.关于STM32 ADC的转换时间周期计算每个通道都可以单独...
ReadingTime是固定值.ReadingTime=12.5*cycles SamplingTime是8挡可调的,根据采样精度要求,调节的范围是(1.5,7.5,14.5,28.5,41.5,55.5,71.5,239.5)个cycles。 cycles是ADC的硬件时钟周期。因为ADC的最大时钟频率不能超过14M,所以cycles最大为1/14(us).但是因为我们用的stm32f103的硬件主频为72M.不超过14M的最大主...
stm32 cubemx adc sampling time cycles是指多久 adc电压计算 Vread =(Adc(readx)/4096(根据ADC位数不同,此处值不同))* Vref。读取通道17,因为是个定值,所以可以计算出Vref = 1.2*4096/Adc(read17)); 任意通道的电压值 Vread = (Adc(readx)/4096)*(1.2*4096/adc(read17))) = 1.2*Adc(readx)/Adc...
adc_ch_conf.SamplingTime = stime; /* 采样时间 */ HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(adc_handle, &adc_ch_conf); /* 通道配置 */ } 主要是通过HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel函数选择要配置的ADC规则组通道,并设置通道的序列号和采样时间。 接下来是读取ADC的采样值的函数。其定义如下: ...
sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_239CYCLES_5; //采用周期239.5周期 sConfig.Rank = 1; HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1,&sConfig); for(i=0;i<times;i++) { HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); //启动转换 HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1,30); //等待转化结束 value_sum += HAL_ADC_GetValue(...
ADC的采样时间是按照:Tconv = Sampling time + 12 cycles,当采样时间为3cycles时,总的转换时间为15个ADCCLK,ADCCLK在36M下即为2.4M。可以这么说对于ADC的采样时间非常的重要。 stm32F4的ADC涉及到一个规则组和注入组的概念这里就不提了,自己可以通过查看文档来解决,其实就是转换的方式不同而已。
Solved: Hello Community, I am using S32K144 EVB , how to calculate the conversion and sampling time. My ADC operating frequency is 40MHZ. BR, Sarwath
This paper provides a software-based general average over-sampling technology which use an oversampling frequency of the cycle timer which is running, timer in the past triggers a sampling frequency conversion to generate an additional clear ADC interrupt, accumulated 16 times in the conversion, ...
The Nyquist theorem theoretically sets the minimum limit for the ADC sampling rate. However, practically, the ADC sampling rate can be greater than the highest frequency to be preserved or sampled. For accurate digitalization, the ADC sampling rate is chosen to be at least 5 to 10 times the ...