Mobafire. (2023). S4 ADC Runes and Masteries Guide. Retrieved from Probuilds. (2023). ADC Runes for Season 4. Retrieved from
ADC(Attack Damage Carry)是伤害输出类型英雄的简称,主要应用于DOTA类网络游戏《英雄联盟(League Of Legends)》中。该词汇以及概念最早出现在PLA 分享221 lol吧 947ASH💤 新英雄出炉!!德玛西亚帅气ADC Lucian!!圣殿枪手Lucian 分享52赞 lol吧 说好的一直等你 ADC中,哪个英雄最屌,无疑——德莱文,难道不是?
In League of Legends there are five primary roles on a team, the top laner, middle laner, the jungler and ADC and support in bottom lane. ADC stands for "Attack Damage Carry" and is primarily played with ranged champions that are basic attack reliant. The ADC's role on a team is to...