小明剑魔蒙太奇ouo 最佳亚托克斯精彩操作集锦 —— League Of Legends 5062 39 10:21 App 君克锐雯蒙太奇 最佳锐雯精彩操作集锦 —— League Of Legends 62.7万 869 05:53 App 恐怖!这才是百万成就点的小丑该有的魔术戏法! 2499 2 11:11 App Chaesu劫蒙太奇 个人最佳影流之主精彩操作集锦 —— League Of...
发财麻麻qaq创建的收藏夹游戏内容:最佳ADC操作集锦Vol.2- League Of Legends Montage,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
我是英雄联盟里的adc (强攻)
As of 25.S1.2, League of Legends replaced its early-game gold incentives with three Feats of Strength buffs. The League of Legends team has found that the new Feat of First blood is causing issues and encouraging invades, so they are replacing it with a newFeat of Warfare. Feat of First...
LoL patch 14.6 by Riot Phroxzon addresses ADC state, support strength, lane snowballing, Voidgrubs, Smolder changes, and top lane tank champions. Balanced, exciting gameplay awaits in League of Legends.
我巨魔辅助,adc是莎弥拉,三级的时候杀了对面娜美,我不小心拿的头,小优势吧。之后就不知道怎么继续滚优势了,这个组合真的只能拿娜美开刀吗?我确实是看对面选娜美才选的巨魔的。求指点。 落雪晚晚 2-7 61 【科普】德莱文其实很强大。 白色疾驰 一楼。喂度娘。 schwifty 1-25 25 为什么要强调今天就开...
Nick, Colton, and very special guest Danman discuss ADCs, best and worst abilities, emails, and more on episode 648 of Leaguecast! Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.com Support us - https://www.patreon.com/leaguecast Tweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecast Facebook - https:...
League of Legends Ranked - Blue Ezreal ADC - Full Game CommentaryAnalog-to-Digital Conversion
祝各位ADC们越来越犀利,也祝ADC吧越来越火~ 对打野有兴趣的也可以多多关注clearlove吧(WE诺言的吧) 就是这样。 EWS丶SILENCE 11-12 1 2 下一页> 尾页 共有精品数61个 皇冠身份 发贴红色标题 显示红名 签到六倍经验 更多定制特权 兑换本吧会员 赠送补签卡1张,获得[经验书购买权] 扫二维码下载贴...
Every League of Legends player knows that it’s one thing to win, and an entirely different thing to win in style. When you hit the Queue button, your champion and skin choice is the best way to express yourself and, well, make the game just a little bit more fun. Use this fun lis...