R/W :这里下次操作是写所以补0 (为什么下一次操作是写,解释一下:前面手册说了,想要操作其他寄存器首先必须先操作通信寄存器在RS2–RS0先选择下一个操作的寄存器是什么,不操作通信寄存器,是一定进行不了下一个寄存器位操作的) STBY:vcz根据手册上来这一位给0正常工作 CH1-CH0 :一般用AIN1(+/-)作为一组通道,...
before beginning the sample and hold phase, in order to have good results. Especially care should be taken when switching between differential channels. Once a differential channel is selected, the ADC
注意:图中信号电平是用输入IP2 (IIP2)性能计算的混频器输入电平。 具体的计算公式如下: IIP2 = 2 x IMR + PSPUR = IMR + PRF = 2 x 70dBc + (-75dBm) = 70dBc + (-5dBm) = +65dBm 由于Maxim的MAX9982 900MHz有源滤波器提供的典型杂散响应2RF - 2LO为65dBc,因此,其IIP2的计算方法如下: II...
2. Differential conversion mode. 1.4.1 Single Ended Conversion Mode In single ended conversion, only one analog input is taken and the ADC sampling and conversion is done on that input. In single ended conversion ADC can be configured to operate in unsigned or signed mode. The analog is conn...
I will need to run it in differential mode as my Vcc is slightly less than 3.30v, and I need to detect a battery voltage range from 4.20v to 2.5v. Just looking for guidance on pin configuration and setup. Solved! Go to Solution. Topics: BLE Like Subscribe 543 0 2 ...
Solved: Hi I am using the ADC_DelSig in differential mode. I am interested in sampling the voltage between two metal electrodes in electrolysis
1、闪速型 2、逐次逼近型 3、Sigma-Delta型 1. 闪速ADC 闪速ADC是转换速率最快的⼀类ADC。闪速ADC在每个电压阶跃中使⽤⼀个⽐较器和⼀组电阻。2. 逐次逼近ADC 逐次逼近转换器采⽤⼀个⽐较器和计数逻辑器件完成转换。转换的第⼀步是检验输⼊是否⾼于参考电压的⼀半,如果⾼于,将输出的...
Hi, I am using the ADC in differential scanning mode to digitize two differential channels. I use 12-bit plus 8x oversampling. According to the specs, the number of ADC clock cycles is computed as follows:
which may be configurable as differential or single-ended.Vector Signal Generator信号发生器(信号源)...