This is the ADC working mechanism, for software triggering mode as you have done, writing the ADCx_SC1n register with channel bits ADCH will start the ADC conversion automatically, you can check the COCO bit to know if the conversion is over, if it is over, you can read the result. ...
为了方便操作,我们在STM32CubeMX中进行ADC1的配置,打开“ADC1 Configuration”界面,选择“GPIO Settings”标签,配置对应的GPIO如下: 由于我们使用DMA来进行ADC1的采集,所以我们打开DMA标签进行DMA配置: 配置完成后,我们生成项目源码,发现配置文件如下: /* ADC1 init function */ static void MX_ADC1_Init(void) {...
int main(void) { COM_Init(); //串口初始化 GPIO_Configuration() DMA_Configuration(); ADC_Configuration(); while (1) { showData(); delay_ms(3000); //每3s读取一次采样数据 } } void showData(void) { double temperature; double VSENSE = (double)ADCConvertedValue[2]*(3.3/4096); temperatur...
然后下面就是很常见的时钟分频了,也不用分频保持默认即可。 然后是Sampling Mode Configuration 采样模式的配置 第一个是转换模式(conversion Mode),有两个选择,single代表单通道采样,sequence表示多通道采样。 第二个是转换开始地址Conversion Starting Address(如果你上面选择了多通道,那么会多一个转换结束地址Conversion ...
< ADC Configuration register, Address offset: 0x0C */__IO uint32_tCFGR2;/*!< ADC Configuration register 2, Address offset: 0x10 */__IO uint32_tSMPR1;/*!< ADC sample time register 1, Address offset: 0x14 */__IO uint32_tSMPR2;/*!< ADC sample time register 2, Address offset: ...
/*** @brief ADC3 channel10 with DMA configuration* @param None* @retval None*/voidADC3_CH10_DMA_Config(void){ADC_InitTypeDefADC_InitStructure;ADC_CommonInitTypeDefADC_CommonInitStructure;DMA_InitTypeDefDMA_InitStructure;GPIO_InitTypeDefGPIO_InitStructure;/* Enable ADC3, DMA2 and GPIO clocks ***/RCC...
Global setting for all configuration: N’ = 16 CS = 0 CF = 0 Subclass = 1 FPGA Management Clock (MHz) = 100 Character Replacement = Enabled PCS Option = Soft PCS Table 6.Parameter Configuration LMFHDSNADC Sampling Clock (MHz)FPGA Device Clock (MHz)3FPGA Link Clock (MHz)4FPGA Frame ...
2组注入通道TIM1的4通道触发(规格书未说明是上升沿还是下降沿触发,实测波形为上升沿触发) voidADC1_Configuration(void){ADC_InitTypeDefADC_InitStructure;NVIC_InitTypeDefNVIC_InitStructure;/* ADC1 Periph clock enable */RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1,ENABLE);/* ADC1 DeInit */ADC_DeInit(ADC...
davidtosenovjan NXP TechSupport This is common topic for all kind of ADCs. 0 Kudos Reply 02-15-2023 10:39 PM 1,963 Views Charith Contributor I Can You Please Help me with Configuration changes to be done in code for 10bit ADC. 0 Kudos Reply Post Reply About...
在AD7380 SAR ADC系列中,芯片内实现正常平均过采样,最多可收集32个平均采样。只要启用此技术,AD7380就会自动收集M个转换样本,然后输出平均转换结果。转换结果的可用性取决于收集的M个样本数,该数量由AD1系列CONFIGURATION7380寄存器中OSR位的过采样比决定。M 示例转换完成后读取结果。