步骤1.搭建简单的系统。作用工具:matlab->simulink.所用到的模块:1.ramp:用于产生从-1v到1v的线性输出。输入到adc系统中。2.zero-order hold: 用于进行对输入的采样保持,采样时间由adc所要工作的频率决定。3.lookup-1d: 一维的查找表,设定不同的输入输出,可以做成adc和dac模块。4.sum: 把两个数相加...
The settling time is 3ns for input signal at Nyquist rate of 50mHz. 展开 关键词: boost-strapped switch Pipeline ADC MDAC SHA-less 会议名称: 2011 International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (ICCP) 会议时间: 21-23 Oct. 2011 ...
A pipelined ADC incorporates a precharged resistor-ladder DAC in a multi-bit front-end, achieving fast settling and allowing calibration of both dynamic and static gain errors. Using simple differential pairs with a gain of 5 as op amps and realized in 65-nm CMOS technology, the 10-bit ADC...
SAR-ADC 教程之三
Compared to the conventional switched capacitor SAR ADC structures, the settling speed of the current mode DAC is faster than the switched capacitor counterpart. As a proof of concept, this current mode ADC is designed for an overall resolution of 10bit over a Nyquist band from DC to 75MHz....
针对现代高速通信系统的应用场合,论文设计了一款10bit 500MS/s的Pipeline-SAR ADC,其系统架构为两级结构,两级SAR ADC都实现6bit的数据量化,级间放大器提供4倍增益,设置2bit 级间冗余。在第一级SAR ADC中,提出了一种基于自关断比较器的非环路(Loop-unrolled)结构,在每位比较完成后,通过自关断信号将当前...
settling time of the comparator, and the transistors M7 and M8 are used to cancel the charge injection caused by the recovery operation. The regenerative latch of the comparator is shown in Fig. 4. When EN D “0” and ENV D “1”, the internal nodes A–D are pre-charged to “1” ...
EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EM6819FX-B300 8bit Flash MCU, 10bit ADC, E2PROM, 5V Description The EM6819FX-B300 is designed to be battery operated for extended lifetime applications. Its large voltage range from 5V down to 2V makes it a perfect match for today's demanding applications. ...
(2006)01-0058-05 一种适合于高速、高精度ADC的采样/保持电路黄飞鹏,黄煜梅,方杰,洪志良 (复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室,上海200433) 摘要:采用非复位结构,在SMIC0.18LmCMOS工艺下,设计并实现了一种采样/保持电路,其性能满足10位精度、100MS/s转换速率的ADC的要求.电路在0~125e,三种工艺角下仿真,...
国内流水线ADC研究起步较晚,加上国外对我们技术垄断,国内的ADC研究多停留在几十MHZ, 精度多在10bit以下,而且主要集中在全并行,积分型,逐次逼近型等低精度高速或者高速低精度的结构 上。高速高精度的研究成果不多见。这严重限制了我国在集成电路设计和系统集成方面的发展。 随着集成电路工艺不断向深亚微米发展,晶体...