adblockpluschrome-*.zip adblockplusfirefox-*.xpi build:source: Creates the following source archive file in dist/release/ that can be provided to extension stores for review purposes: adblockplus-*.tar.gz Options --config <*.js file path>: Specify a path to a new configuration file relat...
This will create a build with a name in the formadblockpluschrome-n.n.n.ziporadblockplusfirefox-n.n.n.xpi. These builds are unsigned. They can be submitted as-is to the extension stores, or if unpacked loaded in development mode for testing (same as devenv builds below). ...
adblockpluschrome-*.zip adblockplusfirefox-*.xpi build:source: Creates the following source archive file in dist/release/ that can be provided to extension stores for review purposes: adblockplus-*.tar.gz Options --config <*.js file path>: Specify a path to a new configuration file relativ...
Adblock Plus是MozillaFirefox和MozillaApplicationSuite网页浏览器所使用的扩展。Adblock允许用户拦截广告在内的各种页面元素,并使这些内容不被下载和显示。2004年起Adblock开发停滞,同时出现了分支版本AdblockPlus。这个版本对用户界面、过滤订阅和元素隐藏等功能进行了 青铜星玩家 百度移动游戏玩家均可认证(限百度账号),去领取 活动截止:2100-01-01 去徽章馆》 文科980195412 吧主 14 视频广告请开会员或者看广告 地板上的舞蹈 简洁主义 12 视频广告可以用软件去除。adbyby...
我使用的是adblockplus webview,所以我将依赖项添加到我的应用程序build.gradle中。 dependencies { implementation 'org.adblockplus> Could not find org.adblockplus:adblock-android-webview:4.1.Searched in the 浏览109提问于2021-01-15得票数 0 ...
目前,若想使用受限制的反广告附加组件,推荐前往 GitHub 直接安装,这适用于所有的桌面版 Firefox 浏览器...
Adblock Plus for Firefox Building Requirements Python 2.x The Jinja2 module Building the extension Run the following in the project directory: ./ build This will create a build with a name in the formadblockplus-1.2.3.nnnn.xpi. This file will contain the source code currently in the...
./ build -t chrome -k adblockpluschrome.pem ./ build -t edge ./ build -t gecko This will create a build with a name in the form adblockpluschrome-1.2.3.nnnn.crx, adblockplusedge-1.2.3.nnnn.appx or adblockplusfirefox-1.2.3.nnnn.xpi. Note that you don'...