在浏览器工具栏上找到Adblock Plus图标,点击右键或长按(根据操作系统和浏览器可能有所不同),选择“选项”或“设置”以打开Adblock Plus的配置界面。 演示如何添加针对YouTube广告的拦截规则到Adblock Plus: 在Adblock Plus配置界面中,找到“自定义过滤规则”或类似的选项。 添加以下过滤规则以拦截YouTube广告: text ...
IT之家 1 月 16 日消息,YouTube 发言人日前向外媒 Android Central 提供了一份声明:使用 Adblock / Adblock Plus 广告拦截器的用户遇到的加载速度变慢,并非由广告拦截器造成。 图源Pixabay YouTube 方面称:“最近关于用户在 YouTube 上遇到加载延迟的报告与我们的广告拦截器检测工作无关,我们的帮助中心为遇到问题...
日前有网友在Reddit发帖称,他在使用YouTube网页版时出现了一个弹出窗口,提示YouTube不允许使用广告拦截插件,因此视频将被禁止串流播放,除非允许YouTube广告或订阅YouTube Premium。 随即,在这个帖子引发了Reddit社区大讨论时,一位YouTube员工向Reddit的r/YouTube频道审核团队确认,相关用户提到的变化只是一项“实验”,YouT...
Hello Insiders, Our Media team has received a number of reports regarding a potential bug, so we wanted to loop you in on our findings. We’ve heard that a number of users who have the AdBlock (... Thank you all for reporting this! The good news is that the Media team has se...
(www.acceptableads.com) by default, in order to support websites that rely on advertising revenue yet take into account the customer experience by creating non-intrusive ads. If you do not wish to see Acceptable Ads, this can be turned off at any time: https://adblockplus.org/a...
测试表明 YouTube 视频自动跳转到结尾疑似是 AdBlock Plus 问题,其他广告拦截扩展未受影响。此前还出现过视频加载延迟和卡顿等问题,事后也被证明是 AdBlock Plus 问题,所以建议用户换成开源免费的 uBlock Origin,体验更好。查看全文:https://ourl.co/104195...
Adblock Plus,是一款广受欢迎的广告拦截程序,可以让使用者享受没有恼人广告的网络世界。 Adblock Plus for Google Chrome 会阻挡: · 横幅广告 · YouTube 视频广告 · Facebook 广告 · 弹出窗口 · 所有其他显眼的广告 Adblock Plus 是全球范围内较为流行的浏览器扩展之一,全球各地有数百万用户在使用它。这是...
An update to the AdBlock and Adblock Plus extensions, released yesterday, should resolve the issue. "As soon as users update...any slowdown caused by this bug will be resolved," they say. YouTube alsotells Android Centralthe slowdowns are not related to its ad-blocker crackdown. ...
YouTube is showing some AdBlock users an anti-ad block wall and our team is working hard to determine a solution. Oct 13, 2023 In AdBlock’s Blog by Rhana Cassidy How to Block YouTube Ads with AdBlock Learn how to block ads on YouTube with AdBlock! Mar 29, 2018 In AdBlock’s Blog...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adblockplus YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AdblockPlusOfficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adblockplus 新內容 2024年11月27日 版本2.2.17 We've listened to your feedback and the team has been spending a lot of time on optimising our filter lists...