当使用ADB(Android Debug Bridge)工具时,如果遇到“waiting for any device”的提示,通常表示ADB工具正在等待设备连接,但尚未检测到任何Android设备。针对这个问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认ADB环境已正确安装并配置: 确保已经安装了Android SDK,并且ADB工具(包括adb.exe和fastboot.exe)的路径已经添加到系统...
通常代表部分或全部操作执行 失败,或命令输入有误,其中“xxx”为具体报错信息。 waiting for any device 代表未插入设备,设备未进入 FASTB00T状态,或驱动程序未就绪。 直接输出FASTB00T帮助信息或“fastboot:usage:unk nown command xxx” 代表命令或语法格式输入有误, 其中“xxx”为输入错误的命令。 #adb命令##usb调...
λ fastboot flash dtbo xxx.img < waiting for any device > Sending 'xxx' (24576 KB) OKAY [ 0.572s] Writing 'xxx' OKAY [ 0.046s] Finished. Total time: 0.678s λ fastboot reboot Rebooting OKAY [ 0.000s] Finished. Total time: 0.016s Press any key to continue . . . keyevent常用操作 ...
执行adb reboot bootloader 连接otg线 系统重启后会停在bootloader处,在电脑上执行fastboot oem unlocking,(在Ubuntu中需要另外开一个窗口执行这个命令,否则一直提示< waiting for any device >)然后等待提示成功后重启车机 Shell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Result: < waiting for any device > 6. Boot your device to Fastboot Mode option and plug in now, you will be booted into OrangeFox Recovery. Result: Sending 'boot.img' (63952 KB) OKAY [ 1.588s] Result: Booting OKAY [ 0.130s] Result: Finished. Total time: 1.782s 7. In...
Forth Step:In the Device Manager I right clicked on my device and choose 'Update Driver'. In the Driver dialog I selected to 'Browse my computer for driver software' and pressed Next. At the point 'Search for driver software in this location:' I navigated to this folder:...
Tutorial on how to install ADB and Fastboot with Android SDK / Android Studio on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 for any Android device.
adb devices 列出你当前的设备列表,然后拷贝你要安装的设备Device Id; 使用 adb -s deviceId install ... 来进行 APK 安装 error:more than one device/emulator adb:error:failed togetfeatureset:more than one device/emulator-waitingfordevice-error:more than one device/emulator 效果...