2. D:\Program Files\platform-tools\adb.exe platform-tools_r30.0.4-windows.zip D:\Program Files\platform-tools D:\Program Files\platform-tools\adb.exe 此电脑-> 高级系统设置 -> 高级 -> 环境变量 此电脑-> 高级系统设置 -> 高级 -> 环境变量 -> 系统变量 -> 变量 Path 此电脑-> 高级系统设...
Just to cover all of our bases here, users may need to put a./in front of any ADB commands you use in the future, especially when they are using the extracted binaries directly from the Google-provided Platform Tools ZIP. This is something any *nix user (or Windows user running PowerSh...
首先在WINDOWS下搭建ADB环境,下载附件,解压后四个文件放在C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32下,搞定 开始-运行-cmd 转到adb所在的目录,直接执行adb,会显示adb的相关参数。如下 E:\Android\SDK\tools>adb Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.26 -d - directs command to the only connected USB device returns an error if mor...
PART1: GET ADB & FASTBOOT TOOLS Download the latest version of platform-tools on Google drive (link) or go to the official SDK Platform Tools release -> choose options for Windows PC (link). Move the ‘platform tools’ folder to C drive so that you can easily access it anytime. PART ...
Windows下ADB使用相关问题 适用环境: 在Windows XP。WIN7下均可按本文操作进行。WIN8下没有进行实验。但操作设置大致同样。除了第4步。adb_usb.ini的位置可能有所不同以外,其它各部分可按文中所述进行操作。 说明:WIN7,WIN8下安装驱动时请注意权限问题。安装驱动的过程中请一路同意安装。否则有可能安装驱动失败...
打开windows命令行——cmd。 1)、检查 adb 配置是否成功——指令adb version 提示 子系统 当前版本号即表示adb指令配置成功。 2)、连接安卓子系统——指令adb connect[](这里填写第二步记下的 子系统adb连接地址) 3)、安装 apk 应用——指令adb install“【apk文件路径】” ...
Step 4:Finally you have successfully installed Minimal ADB and Fastboot on your Windows PC. How to Install ADB, Fastboot with Android SDK Tools on macOS: Step 1:DownloadAndroid Command LineTools to your Mac and extract it. Step 2:Open the extracted folder and then Tools folder. ...
Linux–platform-tools-latest-linux.zip Steps to install ADB Drivers on Windows Download and Extract the SDK Platform-tools zip file on your PC. After extraction, you’ll see a folder named Platform tools. Move this folder to an easily accessible folder such asC:\adb. ...
最新ADB和FastBoot完整包 For Windows 官方下载的最新包,解压获得platform-tools(我解压到C盘),然后配置环境变量Path到platform-tools根目录即可使用 上传者:a7998911时间:2020-07-03 platform-tools工具集(adb、fastboot等) adb version: 1.0.40 fastboot version: 28.0.0-4797878 ...
Download the Universal ADB Driver (GUI) for Windows. This tool assists in installing ADB and Fastboot drivers on a Windows computer. As a result, it is compatible with all Android devices, both new and old. NameUniversal ADB Driver