will automatically reboot the device. reboot [bootloader|recovery|sideload|sideload-auto-reboot] reboot the device; defaults to booting system image but supports bootloader and recovery too. sideload reboots into recovery and automatically starts sideload mode, sideload-auto-reboot is the same but reboo...
ADB is a tool provided by Google for developers to debug and test their software on Android phones. It provides access to certain features that aren't available to regular users, and since anyone can technically use ADB, you have a way to use these advanced features even if you're not a...
adb工具包-1.0.32版本-sideload 刷机用adb 版本为adb 1.0.32 使用sideload命令为 adb.exe sideload *.zip 上传者:micmouse521时间:2016-10-29 adb1.032.zip adb工具1.032版本,解决设备手机出现的offine问题,解压打开即可使用,双击cmd使用,方便快捷, 上传者:qq_36846934时间:2020-10-13...
SM Tool Version 1.0 is an extraordinary software that offers a wide range of features to boost the performance and functionality of your Windows PC. From unlocking bootloaders to removing FRP locks, SM Tool provides a comprehensive set of tools for MediaTek, Qualcomm, Fastboot, ADB, and Samsung...
Following this guide, you can easily and effectively establish the bridge connection between your Windows 11 PC and Android phones without facing any problems that help you flash and recover custom ROMs, sideload applications, firmware upgrades, customize OEM features or user interfaces, etc. ...
adb 1.0.32 for windows,屏蔽了部分功能. 上传者:meta_cpp时间:2015-07-07 ADB_v1.0.32_tool 附有txt格式的安装办法 包含四个文件,adb.exe AdbWinApi.dll AdbWinUsbApi.dll fastboot.exe 上传者:ezreal_pan时间:2018-12-10 adb工具包-1.0.32版本-sideload ...
SDK Platform Tools orADB Toolsis a very powerful software that lets you run or executeADB and Fastboot commands, Sideload APK files, Flash zip files, Unlock Bootloader, Flashing recovery images, etc. This tool is a gem for android developers who likes Tweaking the Android operating system with ...
adbsideload是一款非常实用的安卓手机线刷工具包,帮助用户快捷刷机,功能强大,操作简单,小编附有详细刷机教程,希望能帮助到大家。感兴趣的朋友欢迎前来IT猫扑下载体验吧!adbsideload基本介绍用手机刷过机的人应该知道,安卓adb工具包是必不可少的,像解锁、ro[ 查看详细 ] ...
Wait for the device to be in a given state: STATE: device, recovery, rescue, sideload, bootloader, or disconnect TRANSPORT: usb, local, or any [default=any] adb wait-for[-TRANSPORT]-STATE... Print the device state (offline|bootloader|device): adb get-state Print the device serial number...
Sideloading apps: Sideload apps onto your Android device effortlessly, bypassing the need for Google Play Store. Wireless connectivity: Connect to your Android device wirelessly, eliminating the need for physical cables. Compatibility and License Is adbFire free to download? adbFire is provided under ...