使用-f参数:adb shell pm list packages -f,输出包和包相关联的文件 使用-d参数:adb shell pm list packages -d,只输出禁用的包。由于本机禁用没有,输出为空。 使用-e参数:adb shell pm list packages -e,只输出启用的包。 使用-s参数:adb shell pm list packages -s,只输出系统的包。 使用-3参数:a...
adb shell dumpsys package com.xxxx.lfeh 7. 发广播: adb shell am broadcast -a "xxxx.intent.action.SIM_LOCK_STATE_CHANGE" --ei "operator_type" 10 也可以adb shell am broadcast -a "xxxx.intent.action.SIM_LOCK_STATE_CHANGE" -e "operator_type" 10 8. 启动activity: am start -n com.cot...
adb shell settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 0命令的作用是禁用通过ADB(Android Debug Bridge)安装应用时的验证过程。具体来说,它修改了Android系统的一个全局设置,使得通过ADB安装的应用不再需要经过应用验证器的检查。 2. 执行命令需要的条件和预备工作 执行此命令需要满足以下条件并完成相应的预备工...
case A_CNXN: /* CONNECT(version, maxdata, "system-id-string") */ /* XXX verify version, etc */ if(t->connection_state != CS_OFFLINE) { t->connection_state = CS_OFFLINE; handle_offline(t); LOG("%s: A_CNXN handle_offline\n", __FUNCTION__); } parse_banner(reinterpret_cast<co...
adb shell dumpsys -l cmd overlay ADB Adb的全称为Android Debug Bridge:android调试桥梁 Android的初衷是用adb这样的一个工具来协助开发人员在开发android应用的过程中更快更好的调试apk,因此adb具有安装卸载apk、拷贝推送文件、查看设备硬件信息、查看应用程序占用资源、在设备执行shell命令等功能; ...
Shell Commands: Enter the device shell: adb shell Choose escape character or "none" (default '~'): adb shell -e Don't read from stdin: adb shell -n Disable pty allocation: adb shell -T Allocate a pty if on a tty: adb shell -t Force allocate a pty if on a tty: adb shell -tt...
('shell getprop partition.system.verified');130 let verified = stdout.replace(/\r?\n$/, '');131 if (verified === '1') {132 throw new Error('Verity enabled. Run |adb disable-verity && adb reboot| to continue');133 }134 await this.adb('remount');135 }136 // XXX: This ...
The output of adb shell getprop is [af.media.systemready.state]: [true] [build.version.extensions.r]: [0] [cache_key.bluetooth.get_bond_state]: [4582925180563263053] [cache_key.bluetooth.get_profile_connection_state]: [4582925180563263051] [cache_key.bluetooth.get_state]: [45829...
settings put secure adb shell video.accelerate.hw=1 settings put global debug performance tuning=1 echo 减少滑动误差 settings put global view scroll_friction=0 echo 禁用dex2oat settings put global dalvik.vm.dex2oat-minidebuginfo false echo 取消触摸延迟 ...
执行adb连接的时候一直连接不上,信息如下: ~$ ifconfig docker0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::42:7dff:fe45:d34b prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether 02:42:7d:4