很多人反应在使用adb pull进行文件拉取,显示拉取失败,显示error: remote object ‘xxx’ does not exist的问题,下面给介绍一下解决办法: 包:com.test 路径:databases/test.db 问题: Something ADB Pull/data/data/com. .Test / database / test.db . Adb: error: remote object ' /data/data/com.error...
连接到某个设备/模拟器:adb -s xxx(设备的名称) shelladb -s emulator-5554 shell(7)adb pull/adb push注:当我们执行默认adb命令时(adb pull或adb push等),都是以shell身份在执行,而非root身份,此时对于
如果遇到adb: error: remote object '/path/to/file' does not exist错误,这通常意味着指定的文件在设备上不存在。 如果遇到adb: error: cannot create file/directory 'local_directory'错误,这可能是因为本地目录不存在或你没有写入该目录的权限。 如果之前进入了adb shell并且没有正确退出(使用exit命令),可能...
另一个窗口在adb shell里去复制 D:\Downloads>adb pull /sdcard/tencent/MicroMsg/Camera/1.jpg . 50 KB/s (74524 bytes in 1.447s) D:\Downloads>adb pull /sdcard/tencent/MicroMsg/Camera/* . remote object '/sdcard/tencent/MicroMsg/Camera/*' does not exist D:\Downloads>adb pull /sdcard...
adb shell pull /sdcard/tmall.png . adb:error:remote object '/sdcard/tmall.png' does not exist adb shell ls /sdcard/tmall.png /sdcard/tmall.png:No such file or directory 清除app 数据 adb shell pm clear 包名 adb shell settings list system ...
标签:adb 很多人反应在使用adb pull进行文件拉取,显示拉取失败,显示error: remote object ‘xxx’ does not exist的问题,下面给介绍一下解决办法: 包:com.test 路径:data...
This does not include offline devices, those devices are connected but unavailable to ADB. See client.listDevices() for details on the device object. change (device) Emitted when the type property of a device changes, once per device. The current value of type is the new value. This event...
"\"%s\" doesn't exist\n", hint.c_str(), path.c_str()); return ""; } return path; } static void parse_push_pull_args(const char** arg, int narg, std::vector<const char*>* srcs, const char** dst, bool* copy_attrs) { *copy_attrs = false; srcs->clear();...
This does not include offline devices, those devices are connected but unavailable to ADB. See client.listDevices() for details on the device object. change (device) Emitted when the type property of a device changes, once per device. The current value of type is the new value. This event...
Merge pull request #540 from DroidsOnRoids/rejected-email-template 5年前 test Fix all test/ files with ESLint rules with 0 errors and 0 warnings. 9年前 vendor Update STFService.apk to v2.4.3 5年前 .bowerrc Update .bowerrc 6年前 ...