:choose_modeechoPlease chooseexportmode:echo1:Current hour period log files(like"12:00:00~12:59:00");echo2:Today's logs files; echo 3:This month's log files;echo4:All log files;echo5:Specified log files;echo=set/pmode=:if%mode%==1(echoexportthe past hour log files...setlogfile=...
另一方面,adb pull可以从android 设备将文件拉取到电脑上 push push [--sync] [-z ALGORITHM] [-Z] LOCAL... REMOTE copy local files/directories to device --sync: only push files that are newer on the host than the device -n: dry run: push files to device without storing ...
adb pull [device file location] [local file location] // Copy files from your phone to your computer. == App install adb -e install path/to/app.apk -d - directs command to the only connected USB device... -e - directs command to the only running emulator... -s <serial number> ...
As mentioned above, you can use ADB to do all sorts of things on an Android device. Some of these commands are built directly into the ADB binary and should work on all devices. You can also open up what is referred to as an ADB Shell that will let you run commands directly on the...
Pull requests NexusNet-Commander is an ADB (Android Debug Bridge) management tool that connects to these devices and runs a command on all of them. botnetadbc2netowork UpdatedApr 12, 2024 Go lavafroth/droidrunco Star29 Minimalist, functional Android debloat tool in Go ...
adb push <local> <remote> 将文件拷贝到设备指定目录, 与adb pull相反 adb install [-lrtsdg] <file> 安装应用 (-r: replace existing application) (-d: allow version code downgrade) (-g: grant all runtime permissions) adb uninstall <package> 卸载应用 ...
will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices. device commands: adb push<local>...<remote>- copy files/dirs to device adb pull [-a]<remote>...<local>- copy files/dirs from device (-a preserves file timestamp and mode) adb sync [<directory>] - copy host->device only if changed...
还有折腾可能⽤到/data/local/tmp 完全root环境: 运⾏adb remount之后dest可以是system⽬录或其⼦⽬录(部分特殊⽬录除外)。adb pull object dest ——从⼿机下载⽂件到本地 object是⼿机上某个⽂件的路径,需要以/开头的完整路径,dest可以省略,省略的话是下载到当前⽬录。举例如下:
2 files pulled, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (8 bytes in 0.022s) //查看本地目录pull中的文件 C:\android>dir D:\test\pull D:\test\pull 的目录 //文件属性时间就是拉取时的时间点 2020/04/11 16:08 3 local.txt 2020/04/11 16:08 5 local2.txt ...
λ adb shell pm path com.samsung.android.app.dressroompackage:/system/priv-app/DressRoom/DressRoom.apkD:\Program Files\cmder_mini λ adb pull/system/priv-app/DressRoom/DressRoom.apkC:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\DressRoom.apk/system/priv-app/DressRoom/DressRoom.apk:1file pulled,0skipped.31.6MB/...