-u:包含卸载的应用(uninstalled)。 --user 0:指定用户ID,0通常是主用户。 注意:在实际使用中,你可能不需要同时使用所有这些选项,可以根据你的需求选择合适的选项组合。 通过以上步骤,你就可以使用adb查看设备上已安装的软件包了。如果你只需要简单的软件包名称列表,使用adb shell pm list packages命令就足够了。如...
pm list packages[options]*-f:显示包名所关联的文件;*-d:只显示disabled包名;*-e:只显示enabled包名;*-s:只显示系统包名;*-3:只显示第3方应用的包名;*-i:包名所相应的installer;*-u:包含uninstalled包名. 获取指定包名的apk路径 pm path PACKAGE_NAME 输出apk信息 pmdumpPACKAGE_NAME 权限查询 pm list perm...
-d: filter to only show disbled packages. -e: filter to only show enabled packages. -s: filter to only show system packages. -3: filter to only show third party packages. -i: see the installer for the packages. -u: also include uninstalled packages. pm list permission-groups: prints ...
list packages:列出设备中已经安装的所有应用包(包括系统应用和用户应用); list features:列出所有硬件相关信息; list libraries :列出当前设备支持的libs; list users:列出系统上所有的users; list permissions:列出所有已知的权限; list ‘pkgname':列出指定包名的associated文件(APK存档文件)所在; path ‘pkgname':查...
adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) adb shell dump <name> (list info on one package) adb shell path <package> (path to the apk file) ==Configure Settings Commands ...
```#shell adb shell pm list packages -u #Also include uninstalled packages.包含已经卸载的应用 adb shell pm list packages --user#The user space to query.根据用户id查询用户的空间的所有包,USER_ID代表当前连接设备的顺序,从零开始。 ```
-i: see the installer for the packages. -u: also include uninstalled packages. pm list permission-groups: prints all known permission groups. pm list permissions: prints all known permissions, optionally only those in GROUP. Options: -g: organize by group. ...
-i: see the installer for the packages -l: ignored (used for compatibility with older releases) -U: also show the package UID -u: also include uninstalled packages --uid UID: filter to only show packages with the given UID --user USER_ID: only list packages belonging to the given user...
pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER] adb shell pm list package 列出所有应用 adb shell pm list package -3 列出第三方应用 adb shell pm list instrumentation 列出所有测试包 pm list permission-groups ...
-e: filter to only show enabled packages.-s: filter to only show system packages.-3: filter to only show third party packages.pm list packages -f -3:列出指定包名的APK位置 pm path com.kp.poi :删除某个应⽤的所有数据(相当于全新安装)pm clear com.UCMobile:禁⽤/启⽤某个应⽤(...